From my favorite movies..
A Brilliant Conflict
Hayleigh Joseph
This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
This was the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. I can not even begin to explain the way I felt when this movie was over....I was ripped off Don't let this happen to you!!! The movie made no sense at all, and the acting was horrendous...The front of the box looks really interesting..The kid on the bike..oh yeah y would he have anything to do with the movie...DUH...There is not even one child in this movie!!! If there were a way to recall movies this film should be put in a fire pit!! Take my advice Don't rent this movie, buy this movie, or even watch it on cable...I'm sure you can find better things to do for an hour and a half...like ripping your toenails off one by one!!!
I think the credits on this movie was actually longer then the movie itself! It make the movie longer, it had about 10 minutes of credits in the beginning and about half an hour of credits at the end, and in between scenes there are LONG breaks of blackness. It had NO plot! Never explained ANYTHING! Didn't make any sense! OVERACTING in all characters! And they talked about the same thing about 9 times, and the majority of the time they just kept repeating each other: i.e. "I think I saw something and it scared me"..."You think you saw something and it scared you, you say?" I think I could have made a better movie. There are using a regular camcorder and the shots are stupid and random. The background sounds of cars is louder then the characters voices. its a good movie for a 1st timer trying to get into the movie business, but not something in video stores as a new release, or even a horror. I was bored outta my mind more then I was scared. I actually preferred cleaning then watching this movie!
My wife and I are always on the look out for a new horror movie/director may be we should have been looking for a GOOD new horror. This was the worst attempt at movie making that I have ever had the miss fortune of stepping in. The acting was atrocious, monotone and strained the camera work was shoddy and ineffective. The biggest early clue was when you can here someone in the back ground yelling CUT at the end of a scene an obvious audio clip that should have made it to the producers floor with the rest of the movie. We will be on the watch for cast and crew so that we can steer clear of the next train wreck they are involved with. I pray that you are reading this before your flush your money and time out of your life away.
This movie had potential. And then the opening credits ended. I could have made a movie in my garage that looks better than this. The acting is horrible (let's just say the actors took a class in Overacting 101), the script is pitiful, the camera work is shoddy, the cinematography leaves a lot to be desired, and the plot was nonexistent. Not to mention that you can hear people yelling "cut!" in the background at the end of a few scenes. Not exactly the scary movie I was hoping for. Let's just say the description on the box was somewhat misleading. I just ended up laughing and mocking my way through it. Do yourself a favor and save your hard earned money.