Dreams on Spec

2007 "A documentary about screenwriters for dreamers everywhere."
6.3| 1h28m| NR| en

"Dreams on Spec" takes an intimate look at how far people will go - and how much they will sacrifice - for the chance to pursue their dreams. This feature-length documentary delves into the lives of three aspiring Hollywood screenwriters as they pour their hearts into their spec scripts, pitch their ideas to anyone who will listen, go to meetings, hold table reads, and work at low-level day-jobs - all in the hopes of one day seeing one of their beloved creations made into a movie. These poignant portraits are intercut with wisdom from a "Greek Chorus" of superstar Hollywood creative-types like James L. Brooks, Nora Ephron, Gary Ross, and Carrie Fisher to forge a funny and compelling look at inspiration, creativity, and solitude in the movie industry.


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Also starring Joe Aaron


Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Derek Williams I just can not put my finger on why this documentary annoyed me so much. I found all three featured writers in this film to be really annoying and I don't think it's their fault because they are a product of the system they are working within.Seeing these three reminded me of watching victim protagonists in an eighties horror film. The characters in these horror movies seem to be willfully dense as they all act counter-intuitively in an extremely dangerous situation and you keep getting frustrated that they refuse to use common sense and get out of the predicament. And of course you know what happens...Well, these three writers seemed to act the same way as these willfully dense characters in those eighties horror movies. And of course you know what happens...
dannytanino I found this documentary about screen writing very educational about the process of getting a script made into a movie. It is a very good how-to.Dreams on Spec follows three screenwriters on their path, which they hope will lead to getting their script turned into a movie. Interviews with well-known screenwriters who offer wisdom and advice are woven throughout the story. Their interviews are humorous and can really inspire you in your writing journey.Dreams on Spec is a must-have for writers -- a tool to put in your writer's toolbox. You can take it out again anytime you need to be re-invigorated.
DominiqueSarantee Tough Biz! But this doc gives you the heart to go on and dream big. The film follows three hopeful screenwriters trying to break into Hollywood -- and it's good to see where they live and how they live as they try to make their break. I relate to each and every emotion and each and every experience, good and bad in this "reality show". It shows both the flow and the struggle to put words on 8 x 11 sheets of white paper in order to gain someone else's attention for 90 minutes. I would like to revisit these writers in about 5 or 10 years and see if they have been nominated for an Oscar! Don't miss the 30 minute bonus with screenwriters that made it. They all have such an upbeat attitude. Is that the key? or just the attitude of artists in general? or the result of no more struggling to pay the bills? The chicken or the egg?
levijohnson-1 DREAMS ON SPEC is a great documentary!First, a little plot summary: it profiles three aspiring screenwriters and then offers wisdom on their plight from superstar Hollywood creative types like James L. Brooks, Nora Ephron, Carrie Fisher and many others. But this film is really intended for dreamers everywhere -- those who spend lots of time and lots money on some Quixotic quest. The film's music and cinematography are absolutely stunning. It's hard to believe it's a documentary when you watch some of the scenes because they're so lyrical and seemingly well-planned. I saw parts of myself in each of the three characters -- sometimes that was good and other times not so good! I don't want to give anything away, but each of the three stories comes to a real and dramatic conclusion in a way that would have been hard to script. In the end, I would highly recommend this documentary for anyone in a creative profession -- or who wants to be. It's really well made -- a real sleeper of a film -- that tells stories about real people, which you so rarely see today!

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