
2014 "The story of a girl who finds herself - and then eats herself"
5.1| 1h32m| en

Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she's in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn't landed a role in three years. To top it all off, she's developed a disturbing habit of eating her own flesh. Novella desperately tries to hide her strange condition from her motherly landlord, Eesha, and somewhat psychopathic best friend, Candice, but her body and mind continue to deteriorate in the depressing world of failed auditions and sketchy night clubs. Can a romantic relationship with her psychiatrist prevent her from self destruction? Or will her fatal habit continue to eat away at her?


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Pretty People Pictures


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Also starring Meggie Maddock


Executscan Expected more
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Michael Ledo Novella (Maggie Maddock) is an out of work actress in Hollywood and has been for some time. Her friend Candice (Ali Francis) is a psychotic heir dresser. At some point in time Novella starts to eat her own body parts. Pretty much it with some bad actor side characters. Apparently this was meant to be some kind of metaphor on how people will eat themselves alive for fame or something. The confusing part was that she did have steal sauce and hot sauce in the frig and never used it. Kinds makes the whole story unbelievable.I never saw the sense in the film and the acting and basic plot was bad.Guide: F-bomb, sex? No real nudity.
KineticSeoul This is a really gruesome and gory movie that is actually quite depressing to watch. So if you have a weak stomach, I suggest you stay away from eating anything while watching this. This delves heavily on false hope, misunderstanding and the reality of certain people and how getting used can effect someone. The plot is about a shallow woman Novella McClure trying to make it as an actress. Thinking that it will solve all her problems because she is unhappy with the situation she is in and herself. When her emotional instability really starts to kick in because of her past and her feelings of constantly being used and manipulated kicks in. Anxiety, depression and pain follows, thus she starts to eat away at her own flesh. Some scenarios and situations didn't make much sense, especially near the end. But besides that, this is somewhat of a realistic portrayal of what can happen. When someone puts all your hope in one thing and constantly being disappointed with it and the limits constantly getting pushed can do to someone. I would have more sympathy for the characters, but sometimes the stupidity and emotional instability took away from it. Overall, this is a low budget horror movie that is worth seeing. It can resonate with a lot of adults. The actress that played Candice the best friend of the main protagonist did a really fine job though. She sort of reminded me of a Catwoman like version of Scarlett Johansson.7.3/10
Uncle Marvin This one is not for the feint of heart. Eat is a warped mutilation fantasy. What kind of twisted, depraved freak came up with the story of a self-inflicting cannibal?! Hopefully, thankfully, they are probably on some kind of watch list, I'm sure. Eat is the story of Novella McClure, a blonde bombshell with a rocking body. You may know her from such eating disorders as cannibalizing her own flesh. She's not a zombie, she's just a little confused. Your friendly neighborhood therapist Dr. Simon is there for her. He sees something in her. Did I mention she looks like Marilyn Monroe?The opening scene is the same old "person waking up in the morning" bit, only Novella brings something new to the table: herself. Did I mention she's easy on the eyes? The story has character development and a dramatic plot. The main character is a struggling actress. She's got problems. Her bestie is violent, she's broke, she's being evicted, she's on suicide watch, and she's dating her therapist. When the pressures of life just get a little too bad to bare, Novella feasts on her own body parts. I could actually see this happening. It's not that different from cutting, which is a serious problem affecting young girls. Eat definitely had its moments. It's Hannibal Lechter meets Rigoletto. You'll love it, unless, of course, you're a vegetarian.
roadrunner570 I really enjoyed this. I'm a fan of body horror already, so this was right up my alley. The acting started off a bit shaky, but everything fell into place about 10 minutes into the film. Meggie Maddock is a beautiful and talented actress who I hope to see great things from in the future. As crazy as I thought her character, Novella was, her friend really took the cake. I also thought I had Dr. Simon figured out, but that threw me for a loop as well. This film had some really intense moments throughout and her self cannibalism scenes were extremely cringe-worthy. Great film over all and the ending was just insane.