Ebola Syndrome

6.5| 1h40m| en

A violent fugitive on the run from the law makes his way from Hong Kong to South Africa, where he discovers that he's immune to the Ebola virus, and later returns home to spread the deadly disease.


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Also starring Marianne Chan


Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Robert J. Maxwell This Grand Guignol comes from the austere People's Republic of China? Jende ma?I sat through about half of this frenzied mess before tuning out. It isn't that I found it too gross. The living frogs being chopped up weren't so bad. I've dissected frogs in class. The chickens getting their heads wrenched off weren't that offensive because I saw lots of chickens get it when I was a child. I helped castrate pigs in Pago Pago. It's that it was badly made, as if by an amateur on crack.It's loud, fast, full of lurid color, and in the first half hour the director gives us -- let me think -- well, it begins with adultery, goes on to torture and mass murder, spitting a ginder into a pot of tea, doing to a piece of pork what Alexander Portnoy did to a piece of liver in "Portnoy's Complaint," rape, decapitation, ejaculating into a body in its death throes, serving sweet and sour pork to a diner who'd ordered steamed pork, and wearing white after Labor Day.Violence can be done poetically. It has more impact when some care is taken with it. It was shocking when Roman Polanski's midget put a slice through Jack Nicholson's naris in "Chinatown." This violence is boring because the film is nothing but violence. Can anyone sit through a pornographic feature film without being bored? No. No one can. This movie runs into the same problem with satiation. Enough doesn't necessarily mean that the bloodshed and degradation must be forced on you as if you were a Strassbourg goose.Let's face facts. Anyone who finds violence, sex, blood, and screaming insults attractive, has never been married.Well, let me add a plus. Most of the Chinese girls are very attractive, dressed or disheveled. Gong Li should have shown so much flesh.
nasteen8 This film is a great portrayal of our wonderful "anti-hero" Kai and his exploits. A truly sleazy, disgusting, foul person that we almost learn to love throughout the film.While I don't consider this too over the top with the gore, it is rather gory. But the almost comical aspect of it kind of detracts from the sick nature of this film. Even the rape scenes get almost comical. Whether it's a bad translation or not, there's a certain scene where our anti-hero is raping his bosses wife and the boss steps in to find them. Then Kai says "From now on I'm going to F*** anyone that bullies me". Then the wife says "He's bullying me!!". Absolutely classic.And this is just one aspect of sleaze from our very lovable yet disgustingly sick anti hero Kai.He's the kind of character that I simply love in exploitation movies. If you enjoy cheese, gore, silly dialog, and killing, please check this movie out. If you want an Oscar winning performance, look elsewhere.Nine stars!!
Sandcooler The first half of this movie is inarguably the best, or at least the most memorable. This first half has little to no plot, it just moves from one disgusting, depraved set piece to the next. The opening scene sets the tone best, it immediately tips you of that the movie isn't going to be on the Disney channel anytime soon. The most delightful scene in the movie comes later though, when our beloved protagonist Kai starts railing a piece of beef. Which some guy then eats of course, that speaks for itself. After the actual plot kicks in, the movie somehow gets less interesting. Kai tries to infect a whole bunch of people with Ebola by spitting at them, but after we've seen him grind people that almost feels like he's losing his touch. In fact, the second half of this movie is downright boring by comparison. In general it's a really effective shocker though, recommended to anyone who enjoys pointless carnage.
jaibo This nasty little motion picture belongs to a class of Hong Kong cinema known as Category 3 films, movies expressly designed to appeal to the worst in cinema-goers of all ages, but preferably adolescents at heart. Ebola Syndrome boldly reaches depths of depravity and offensiveness which other movies can only dream of. I found it a curiously charming experience, which had the virtue at least of not being boring for a single second and of featuring some of the most relentlessly gratuitous moments which have ever been committed to celluloid. There's no excusing Ebola Syndrome; no self-regarding, heart-on-their-sleeve "I strive to be a better person" pundit will ever appear on your TV screen extolling its virtues and fibbing to you how it made them a better person, encouraged them to "go for their dream", awoke them from some terrible prejudice or made the world one iota of a better place. For this, if nothing else, it deserves some praise.Ebola Syndrome is jam-packed with enough plot for three films. It begins inauspiciously, with the low-life protagonist Kai - perhaps the least sympathetic character in movie history - being caught screwing his boss's wife and almost getting himself castrated. He fights his way out of the situation, bloodily kills the boss, his wife and a flunky, and goes on the run to South Africa. There, he slaves away in the kitchen of a Chinese Restaurant, underpaid and the brunt of his new boss's wife's contempt. One day, his new boss takes him to a local Zulu village (in pursuit of cheap meat supplies); it just so happens that the village is in the grip of an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, which our dirty little protagonist proceeds to contract by raping a suffering tribeswoman on the banks of the village stream. This scene, with his coitus climaxing with her death rattle, is the most depraved moment in a film which truly earns the title of a feast of depravity. Kai turns out to be the one in ten million person who can contract the Ebola virus and not break out in its terrible symptoms: complete meltdown of the bodily organs coinciding with fits and frothing at the mouth. After killing his new boss and wife (this guy goes through bosses like Harold Shipmen went through patients), Kai returns to home as the Typhoid Annie of Ebola, with his least bit of bodily liquid (bloody, saliva, come) being highly infections, causing corpses to drops dead in his wake as an epidemic grips Hong Kong.It doesn't take a genius to work out that Ebola is being used here as a exaggeration of HIV, and so the film is a kind of hypochondriac maniac's nightmare of A.I.D.S. Kai is an enormously inflated hallucination of the fabled Patient Zero, the mythical A.I.D.S sufferer who supposedly took the virus round the capitols of the Western World in the early 1980s. By the film's absolutely berserk final moments, the anti-hero has progressed from a psychotic flunky with a brutal temper and a penchant for muttering about being "bullied" by all and sundry, to a walking, talking and running wild personification of infectiousness, careering around the streets, spitting infected saliva at people, screaming "Ebola! Ebola" before being shot at, set fire to and rubbed out like some creature from a 50s horror film. The adolescently mean-minded ending has a dog which has feasted on a bit of the dead Kai's flesh licking an ice cream which he is sharing with a little girl. No one is safe from Ebola, there is no cure, the whole world is going to hideous-death hell in a handcart.The film is, as I say, absolutely inexcusable. It is made for the worst of motives, by the meanest of minds (although palpably minds possessed of chutzpah, cheek, imagination and a goodly amount of film-making talent). It is flagrantly offensive to any civilised sensibilities. It is packed with gratuitous moments - such as a POV shot from inside the protagonists mouth, showing animated specks of saliva flying from between his rotten teeth - and includes what must be the single most gratuitous shot ever included in a film, where our hero's taxi runs over a rat FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL. Anthony Wong's performance as Kai is utterly insane: grimacing and moaning, improvising little bits of mean activity to ornament every scene; it's one piece of acting which never was gonna win any Golden Globe award, yet he's absolutely mesmerising from start to finish, as it the rotten, stinking, mean spirited, foul-mouthed and dirty-minded film which showcases him. I am certain that Ebola Syndrome would give any movie a run for its money as the most offensive film ever made; equally certainly, it is one of the most entertaining and compelling films of all time, from its first 5 minutes which ticks off every exploitation ingredient in the book (rape, violence, bloody murder, cruelty to children and animals) to its insane, positively Pythonesque apocalyptic finale.