Echoes of Innocence

4.7| 1h59m| PG-13| en

A contemporary high school girl hears voices and sees visions like Joan of Arc. She is torn between her commitment to a long-lost first love and her growing feelings for another.


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Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
n-mo Let's be clear on something from the start: this is not a "great" film, not something that is or deserves to be in the canon. Technically speaking, it is fairly amateurish, although for an early low-budget independent effort this crew is fairly competent and I would be happy to see them succeed. The cast is mostly bearable, and big kudos for using actors that actually looked like teenagers in a high school."Echoes of Innocence" is not a typical teenage flick along the lines of "Clueless," "10 Things I Hate About You," etc. ad infinitum, and be grateful for that. Our 17-year-old protagonist is a Goth girl saving herself for marriage and nursing an obsession with Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Joan of Arc. Most people call her "Virge," but she has the self-esteem to take it in stride and so we are spared some of the more agonising scenes of teenage angst.On the other hand, that is part of the problem. This movie touches on but fails to explore the depth that seems to be underlying these characters and ultimately fails to weave religious and moral struggles into the fabric in a meaningful way. Sarah is an interesting character: she's not a Catholic but she has visions, she recites the prayers, she appears to study the Faith, she apparently believes in the Sacraments (attempting to take Confession, Absolution and Penance) and seeks the counsel of a Catholic priest. So why had she not she attempted conversion? We never get any hint, and so we are never really drawn into her personal journey.But this is just one example of the film failing to draw out its potential. So many of the characters look like they could be more than stereotypes and our suspicions are just never confirmed. I wonder if perhaps this story reflects an obsession on the part of the scriptwriter and a literary immaturity that hampers its full expression. (I also suspect part of the problem is that this film fails to conceive of the world outside teenybopper suburban America, which is definitely not--proliferation of Young Life ministries aside--a good breeding ground for a deep Faith or culture.) As for the ending... ugh, the completely cheesy and pointless villain sub-plot, the Deux ex Machina.Kudos for attempting to be uplifting, but shame for taking good, solid literary elements and totally smashing them on the floor. This isn't bad if you've got an extra evening off and want to make it a popcorn-and-Pepsi night, but if you're looking for a good Christian-themed film about the struggle of Faith of a young person who's actually a real human being, you're definitely better off looking at Robert Bresson's "Le journal d'un Curé de campagne"--just be warned that if you're the type who goes for cheap thrillers like "Echoes of Innocence," you'll find the former far too slow for your tastes.
ulliwuntsluv I really love the story in this movie, it is superb, and heart-wrenching. I must admit that there is at least one aspect that is a bit confusing, and makes no sense. But overall, this movie is certainly worth seeing. The acting is especially superb. I must say, I cried hysterically during one of the more touching scenes with Cody Linley, and at the end (I won't say why, not to give anything away)- Also, the guy who plays David fit very well into this film, and added just the right touch to make the movie even better. Out of all the movies I have ever seen in my entire life, none ever made me cry as hard as I did during this one. I can't explain it, but there is something about the acting that really connects you to the film, and helps you really feel what the characters are feeling, which is a very important aspect of film. I suggest you grab a box of crying tissues, lay back, relax, and enjoy this touching film. I know it really changed my outlook on life, and no movie has ever been able to tug at me like that before. If are a big fan of love stories, than this is a must-see. I highly recommend it.
Katiejevan My life's work has been focused on youth and trauma. Psychologyst, drug counselor working with youth whose traumatic events has caused such incredible damage. Angery, sullen no faith, they want to die rather than bare the pain of life. With help, I have observed transformation as they strive to shed anger and rage as they move from victim, surviver, to thriver. Sara, is the ultimate Thriver. To her own self be true. Her faith, wisdom, kindness and virtue made this film a shinning light in the darkest corners of humanity. While there is a subtle Joan of Ark Theme, this is in no way a modern remake. The story of Joan's dedication to her beliefs, values and faith carried her through a war. Sara lives in her own war zone. Alcholic mentally ill mother,visions with out understanding them leaves her alone in a world of disbelievers. There is one,who shared her pledge of faith who promises to appeared in God's time. For teenagers the love story, surrounded by a mystical, magical pull of evil verses valor will grab them in their own personal truth. THis movie is an echo of a time when the world was much easier to understand. The good acts and bad behaviors were bound by culture, family and church. For the disjointed youth of today, this film will serve as a panacea in fulfillment of a inner hole they did not know existed! Bravo to the risk and faith of the Sims family for sending out into the world something that truly ignites a fiery light, through the dark path for the lost personal spirit. In today's world honor and integrity seem to have become a distant shimmer in the dark. Echo's keep the sound alive as your burning truth travels as a gentle mist that is the beacon for tremendous enlightenment! Keep shining that light! Katie Evan PhD,CADCIII, NCACII
iluma I recently went to a viewing of "Echoes of Innocence" at Regent University. I really had no preconceived expectations, although I have heard good things about Todd Sims and the work that he has done in the past. The movie was riveting. The Cast did an exceptional job of drawing you in and keeping your interest from the beginning of the film right up until the end. I am 49 and I brought my 75 year old mother, my 24 year old daughter, 20 year old son and some other friends with me to view the film. We all loved it. I am looking forward to seeing this film in the theater. This is film for all ages... but I especially think that all young people and those who are waiting for that special someone to come into their life, "HAVE" to check out this film.