Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Robert Joyner
The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Bea Swanson
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
This film has more good looking guys than you can shake a stick at. The leads are all hunky and so are all the supporting cast. The story is very light and predictable but cute and sweet nonetheless. Morgan Fairchild makes a cameo appearance and practically steals the film, but then she has always been absolutely wonderful in everything she does. There are lots of twists and turns as well as really great photography and West Hollywood and LA never looked better. My bud and I watched the film in a single sitting as part of our mini film festival we are doing only taking breaks to check the cast here. Apparently, the leads are all working still and considering how good they are in this film it seems their futures are secure. This is the kind of film you never get tired of seeing again and again because it is so great to look at and the story is so uplifting.
Nice 2 see that there are at least some movies being made in #2013, that at least shows more than your "Typical bent wrist" Guys acting like girls. And for that along i give it a 10.. Why don't they make an T.V. Show that shows the same??? Instead of all these men going around acting like women??? And then everyone wounder why some hate on gay's so much...I might 2,if all i ever saw of GAY GUYS were them acting like GIRLS/WOMEN in every way You can think of! Nice 2 see a movie that shows the all types of gay's/types out there BOTH REG and the made up t.v. kind!!! and why the 10 lines ?? do i have 2 use 2 make my point come across any more than i have in the first 7?? go figure with more rules...
This is a boring, shallow, tiresome, "Look how cute I am!" movie about boring, shallow, tiresome, "Look how cute I am!" West Hollywood types.Someday somebody is going to make a movie about real gay people. Real gay people are not obsessed with their gym bodies and other guys' gym bodies. Real gay people don't look like fashion models. Real gay people get older than 23, eventually. Real gay people do not have blinding white teeth. Real gay people do not have perfect tans 365 days of the year, or even ONE day of the year. Real gay people have no idea what an "app" is, don't care what an "app" is, and got tired of the word the third time they heard it.Whoever made this tiresome movie, and whomever they made it for - those are people I hope I never have to meet.
I absolutely LOVED this movie! This was one of the best romantic comedies I've seen in years and I'm pretty critical of them. Not Corny. Solid Acting. Fun cultural references. It's entertaining and funny and very relatable in a day and age where technology is everywhere. The details are well-defined, well-written, interesting, and delivered with conviction and credibility by a top notch cast. I was completely engaged from start to finish. I even teared up right on cue. Damn them for manipulating my emotions so well. Excellent cast . Highly recommended. If you enjoy romantic comedies, but have high standards for them, this won't disappoint you.