Edge of America

2004 "Live. Dream. Believe"
7| 1h45m| PG| en

From acclaimed director Chris Eyre, whom People Magazine calls "…the preeminent Native American filmmaker of his time", comes this touching and inspirational story about loyalty, friendship, and courage. New man in town Kenny Williams has just accepted a position as an English professor at the Three Nations Reservation in Utah. Finding it hard to fit in with the tight-knit Native American community, he decides to take on the challenge of coaching the high school girls' basketball team.


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Nonureva Really Surprised!
Holstra Boring, long, and too preachy.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Parisfrance75006 Chris Eyre's Edge of America is a wonderful contribution to storytelling. It's evident that this young director is a visionary with potential for Hugh success. The story possesses a warm personal human touch, which makes it totally relateable. I could see it over and over again. His fine technique with actors allows for a smooth transition into the character they are portraying. He sets no boundaries or limitations, which gives the actor endless possibilities. His choices are clever, thought provoking, humorous and quite believable. He's the kind of director actors dream of working with. His film Smoke Signals was a true testament of what's to come with Chris' brilliant sense of storytelling and once again he's met the mark. It's time for this director to apply his creative genius to the silver screen once again. I can hardly wait.
Michael O'Keefe A very good sports related drama. Kenny Williams(James McDaniel), a black educator from Texas leaves a past behind and takes a position teaching English at Three Nations High School in a small Native American community in Utah. Williams not only has problems fitting into the close knit society...he faces obstacles accepting coaching the girl's basketball team. He struggles with turning around a losing team and preparing them to hold their own against a rivaling nearby all-white high school.Some interesting sub-plots and a strong cast featuring: Wes Studi, Tim Daly, Irene Bedard, Fraya Aspaas-Montoya, Eddie Spears, Trini King and most impressive Delanna Studi. Some very contrasting scenery filmed in Salt Lake City, Utah. One of my favorite scenes is when the black coach is called a 'white man'. This project had a very successful premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in 2004.
thegort This fine film has been shown on Showtime and has finally been released on DVD. The previous documentary on the subject, Rocks With Wings, is not available on video or DVD, to my knowledge. If you enjoyed Eyre's Smoke Signals, you will likely love this one. Great characters, a lovely story, much humor, and some pathos are present with a large dose of Navajo wisdom and custom. A highlight was Coach's realization of the irony of being called "white man", a highly derogatory term, when he was behaving badly. The acting was consistently fine from both the professionals and the young amateurs. The director's deft touch had us constantly on the verge of tears and laughter. Highly recommended.
miltlee Chris Eyre has done a wonderful job of presenting Indian life in America today. The reality of the reservation was presented in a wonderful way - not as victims or heros but as real people just trying to live their lives.I especially liked the fact that this movie avoided typical Pan Indian Images that plague so much of what is presented in the media about Native Americans and their culture.Bravo!