
6.5| 1h37m| en

Poet Yusuf (35-38) returns to his childhood hometown, which he hadn't visited for years, upon his mother's death. He is faced with a neglected, crumbling house. Ayla, a young girl (17-19) awaits him there. Yusuf has been unaware of the existence of this distant relation who had been living with his mother for five years; He stays by his dead mother's bedside for a while on the morning of his return...


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Cortechba Overrated
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
l_rawjalaurence It's interesting to read comments made on YUMURTA (EGG) in isolation from the other two films in the trilogy, SÜT (2009) and BAL (2010). Although the first-released of the three, YUMURTA is temporally the last, telling of the adolescent Yusuf (Nejat İsler), who has been reduced to becoming a secondhand bookseller in İstanbul. Whereas once he had a promising career as a writer (alluded to in SÜT and referred to again in YUMURTA), he has neither enjoyed the luck nor the inspiration to pursue his chosen career. Hence he becomes vicariously involved with literature by purveying it.Yusuf's life receives a sudden jolt when he learns of the death of his mother Zehra (Semra Kaplanoğlu). He returns to his childhood home of Tire in the west of Turkey, and experiences ambivalent feelings about the return. In the past he had always vowed to leave, but once he encounters Ayla (Saadet Aksoy), the teenage daughter of his uncle, Yusuf begins to feel more ambivalent about himself and his position in life. The ending represents a complete volte-face from the beginning; Yusuf might not necessarily be happy in the future, but he has acted according to his inclinations, something that he had abandoned during his move to İstanbul.Kaplanoğlu's film incorporates several striking images, notably the sight of Zehra moving towards and away from a static camera, suggesting an engagement with and a deliberate flight from life. There are frequent shots where the protagonists are viewed as specks on the vast rural landscape, drawing our attention to their insignificance in the overall scheme of things. If this is the case, then we should try to make the best of what we have, rather than trying to pursue unfocused dreams.YUMURTA also makes a lot of rituals and their significance: despite his obvious squeamishness, Yusuf has to observe Zehra's dying wish of sacrificing a ram to God, if only to acknowledge the extent of divine power. The egg is also important: when Yusuf cracks one open early on in the film, nature reacts in an unexpected way. However, once he has learned to come to terms with his world, he understands the connection between the egg and life; it is something to be treasured, not broken.Beautifully photographed and structured with a deep connection to the environment, YUMURTA offers a satisfying and powerful coda to Kaplanoğlu's trilogy.
split_chick2002 it is of course a bit boring because it is a psychedelic kind of film and it is so contemporary..nowadays these kinda movies are a lot, not in Turkey but in everywhere around Europe.. I hate psychedelic movies and cant even watch but this movie had something and it kept me going. Cinematography was good for an independent film. İt was a very low budget film so I think before making any comment , should consider these kinda points. Shouldn't have a point of view before watching the other 2 movies which complete yumurta ,as a series movies I thing the other ones will be so much more meaningful because this one was about death..the darkest theme the darkest topic. one of the other ones topic is birth so..
Ozan Uen I watched the movie a couple days ago with my family. After seeing several good Turkish movies I really expected something good, but this movie was a huge disappointment. The movie starts with a woman walking till the woman is out of sight. This scene takes almost 3 minutes and you already start to get bored. The whole movie is like this one scene. No story, no highlights, no hidden messages, no meaning. I watched the movie till the end, because I always watch movies till the end and I hoped that something is going to happen, but nothing came... I can't believe why this movie is got so many awards. Don't waste your time with this movie. I wish I had played scrabble with my family that evening. At least I would have the chance to learn one or two more words....
hkocer Yusuf was selling old books in a city. He learned that his mother living in a small town was dead and he returned to his hometown to join the funeral. After the funeral he was planning to return city but with unexpected events, he stayed in the village 2 days more.Scenorio is boring and suffering from lack of communications. Cinematography (composition-light-sountrack) is not successful. I watched the film till end, for the sake of my movie love.I couldn't realize the reasons that juries gave the national and international awards to this film.In summary there very successful films from Turkey, gaining awards all over the world and are really joyful.

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