Einstein and Eddington

7.2| 1h30m| PG-13| en

A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas.


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
caramia2002 The fine ensemble of actors never seemed to gel and had zero chemistry. Einstein was portrayed as a joke, when he wasn't working, that is. They tried to drag too many dramatic elements which muddled things. They should have picked two and stuck to those. Nowhere it say, that I have found, that Eddington was gay. He might have been, but he never came out. As many people view movies based on history as history itself, this was a cheap ploy to resemble A Beautiful Mind, and further muddled the plot (why hire an actor to play the object of his affections, for two very short scenes?). Tennant, a fine actor, played Eddington over the top and his glasses magnified his eyes in a very distracting and strange way. What was the director thinking??? Give him clear lenses and contacts.The "history" in this movie is not even close, except that Einstein did indeed solve this puzzle. Eddington did not help him or pose the question. Einstein already had the question. They left out key life milestones. Einstein did marry his 1st cousin, right after his divorce from his 1st wife came through, as it had taken a long time (the only thing this got right). The whole Africa thing didn't happen like this nor did the scene where Eddington proved Einstein's theory, and it wasn't in public. I don't expect any movie based on history to be a documentary, but at least get half of it right, not 10%.The writing was bad TV movie worthy. I cringed for the actors often. The music was just embarrassing. I almost turned it off after the overly majestic opening, as I thought it was a kid's movie. The composer copied the ET score, if not in notes, in theme, mood, and dynamics. And not near as good as the ET score. I am glad that Andy Serkis got a nice leading role after being known as Gollum for so long. But like the other actors, he never got to really shine. He managed the situation better than most of the male ensemble, though. The women did very well, however.
kenfromcanada While most of the reviews here are spot on, there is always someone who had to take a contrary view based on 'their' grasp of science. NO ONE SAID THIS IS A DOCUMENTARY! It is though a very well made film, with a great cast, a good period piece, and the science is correct enough! Any movie that educates the general public - an IOTA - is doing its job. We should all expand our knowledge of the world around us, it is surprising how many people today know nothing of Einstein and role he played in shaping the 'modern' world. An enjoyable movie that takes some very hard to understand theories and makes them understandable and entertaining.
Speedwheels1718 This movie had a lot of potential I think to get people who arnt much into science or astronomy and truly captivate them, unfortunately I don't think it does nearly as much as it could have. Instead it focuses too much imo on the love stories and the way it rearranges history and adds much inaccuracy for the sake of the story when the way it really went down in history was just as exciting, if not more in many parts. Still, the movie is enjoyable, the characters are fairly well developed and the story is engaging all the way until the end. I liked the dynamic between country vs the betterment of sciences for all and really enjoyed Eddington's fight and struggle with the university. I did think some of how the characters explained and reacted to the science felt unnatural in dialog. There probably could have been more creative ways to incorporate it but think it did a good job of explaining it to the layman and explained it well to get people interested in relativity and/or cosmology. If you want a history lesson this is the movie for you. The way events occurred is all out of sorts. (Spoilers) Things like the expedition did happen but there was several explanations years before including one during the war and one in America. The one in America was successful and got calculated, but it showed that Einstein was wrong! However the equipment used in the expedition was not the best (the shift is very very small) the other expeditions didn't turn out because of clouds, rain or were left after the people got kicked out of Russia because of the war, The American results were going to be published but right before they did, word got there that Eddington's results from the expedition came back showing Einstein right! While science accepted Einsteins theory, there rose a few concerns and it took another eclipse and expedition to Australia (where this time seven countries set up there) to fully accept Einstein was correct. Einsteins love story in the movie is fabricated in some parts, again the real story I think is just as interesting and would have worked just as well.
Roxanne Tellier I am not a scientist, I have no scientific bent. Nor have I ever studied the odd couple pairing of Einstein and Eddington. I simply have the greatest of respect for David Tennant as an actor, and so watched this film with an eye to Mr Tennant's performance. However, my expectations were more than met with this tribute to an early 19th century event, which changed the course of science as it had been known before. Evidently, Einstein, a German born scientist with 'crazy' ideas, had moved to Switzerland to marry and raise a family, while Arthur Eddington, a gay, Quaker, pacifist, was just finishing up his years at Cambridge. Lauded as an heir to Sir Isaac Newton, Mr. Eddington had a seat at Cambridge, despite his being a pacifist, much frowned on by the many Lords and gentlemen who had donated a son to the 1st World War. Especially as the battle of Ypres raged, and 15,000 were lost to chlorine gas, Mr. Eddington's passivity rubbed raw the sensibilities of a nation against Germany in particular. Meanwhile, Einstein had been lured to Berlin, in hopes that his theories would provide war capable weapons. As it happened, Einstein was against the war, and did not wish that his theories be used as weapons. And so, given his 'relinquishment' of his German residency, as a 'Citizen of the World', his life was reigned in by the German powers, and he became unable to have a voice in his community, be it scientific or personal. And of course, during World War 11, he was excoriated as a Jew, and barely fled with his life. The US wanted his knowledge, and of course, eventually, the atomic bomb was invented, based on his theory of relativity. But that was many years after this moment in time. Arthur Eddington discovered a variation in the known elipse of Mercury, and with the help of a German family he had rescued from a violent English protest, sent a translated letter to Einstein explaining his new theory. Einstein was unable to answer him, due to the German soldiers denying his entrance to his only post box. However, Eddington and his scientific companion convinced Cambridge University to pay for a trip to Africa, in order to prove a new theory on the relationship of the stars to the sun, during a total eclipse. Einstein, of course, went on to incredible fame and notoriety. Eddington, however, did not pursue fame, and faded into obscurity. This is a wonderful film, and trust me - you needn't know science to understand what this adventure is all about. Enjoy!