El Tren de la Bruja

7| 0h28m| en

A man volunteers to take part in an experiment that attempts to analyse human behaviour under extreme conditions of terror. His mission is to remain seated inside a dark room for a length of time of 15 minutes. If he manages to hold on, he will receive in return a generous sum of money. Is it possible to terrify an individual who knows beforehand that everything is a farce?


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Jaleo Films


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Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Micke Karlsson This is tremendous movie-making, and it is, without a doubt, THE sh*t! It bases the terror on the simple fact that neither we nor the man sitting in the chair knows (or can see) what is happening around him. Is it a dream? Is it just a big hoax? ...Or is he in fact about to be tortured to death? Eli Roth tried to base the terrors in his foul piece of dogturd, Hostel, in very much the same emotions (spiced with over-the-top gore and naked tits) - and he failed miserably!Coldo Serra's El tren de la bruja doesn't. I seriously thought my heart was going to give out several times. I was either close to hyperventilation - or not breathing at all.I saw a subtitled version of this masterpiece at the Umea International Filmfestival (in northern Sweden), and I've gone through hell and back ever since trying to find the subtitled version on DVD, but alas I have had to give up. If you get a chance to see it though, for the love of all that is good - do NOT pass on it. El tren de la bruja is fifteen minutes of sheer, brutal and mindnumbing terror you will not want to have missed.