
2010 "Reality just got real deadly."
3.4| 1h28m| en

Ten actors audition on a reality show for a million dollars. All they have to do is survive three killers, and each other - streaming live over the Internet.


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JAGQA Productions


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Also starring Daniel Fanaberia


TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Palaest recommended
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Luka Hernandez Worst movie I've ever watched! Acting is very bad, although some actresses are hot. I just can't believe that professional actors can act that awful. I mean who chose those people, were they just picked up from street?!? Story is OK, but very similar to 'saw' with really poor effects. I had a feeling that this movie is some kind of parody to saw. Even worst parodies are better than this. Some amateur could've film a better movie than this. Worst spent hour and a half of my life. I don't know why I didn't turn it off when I realized who bad it is, probably hoped that it will get better, but it didn't so don't waste your time on this!!
awab_avril I recommend listening to me and other reviewers here. This movie was a total waste of time. To be honest, some parts of it made me laugh (nudity scenes) They were completely unnecessary and funny because it was intentional. The girls were hot but you know the movie is a waste of time. It is very random and not scary at all. Just like what I said parts of it were funny. The effects were a joke! oh yes, and what grabbed my attention is the shitty acting of some of the characters, others did well but some like the burning girl and the bitchy girlfriend were a joke and I wont even put them on a youtube video. There isn't much to say anymore about this movie other than it was very cheap and dirty, the girls were losing their clothes more than blood haha and for some reason the contestants never attempted to kill the amazon woman. So in other words, no logic. No action. No suspense. No mystery.
Vert66 This movie must have been very low budget, fire effects superimposed over actors, and blood splatter was purple, not red, in one scene.It was not scary in the slightest, and effects were hilariously terrible to this viewer.The premise was not believable, and actors in this movie, should not list this on their resumes, this looked like a college class project.It is an accidental comedy... that pretty much sums it up.This movie makes all the Saw, Friday the 13ths, Halloween, ...of the Dead, and Nightmare on Elm Streets look like masterpieces.Not recommended for any one, unless you love really horrible movies.
jpatd I like horror films, even formulaic ones but this one was a stretch. It's not completely awful, there are aspects which are interesting and, intentional or otherwise, there are some funny parts too. Take a film like Saw - a series of set pieces, mix in a little slice of Hostel which had a more sadistically pessimistic view of people – that given a chance we'd love to mangle each other or pay to see it. However, this film isn't as dark, gruesome or scary as those.It reminds me of The Tournament, or maybe one of the Cube sequels. The CG in all three is a reality check. The fake guns shoot harmless sparks, the girl grabs her cut cheek in the wrong place, and the list goes on. Also, the lighting seems to be too bright – it's just not scary. With all of the reminders we're given about Elimination's genre, I'm still not buying it. The opening seemed promising with a funny driver shouting quaint nonsense but when you hear the line about this being the first acting audition, you'll realise that this is going to be pretty rough around the edges.Costumes stood out scary at times and often fairly ridiculous. The film will make you smile a few times, the comments about the sweatshirt, the 'hand terror' in which a girl and some onlookers are randomly paralysed with fear, as well as some bad star trek and poop jokes. Some kudos for the 'executive producer' effects which were creepy and voice acted well. About halfway through the film some interesting character turns start panning out which I thought were more successful. It's nothing unpredictable though.There is an outrageous Dark City zoom moment but some of the characters do get a little interesting. The acting helped. Some good stunt work too, and lots of nudity, those actors were trying. Mostly misses. See it if you're bored.

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