Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Micah Lloyd
Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
This particular movie, much more imagination to work can be seen, despite a thorough representation of the character of Elvis. Many incorrect regarding dates, lies as much with the relationship between the mythical high-profile with Tom Parker, since in fact, Elvis himself took the decisions concerning his career with the right and the mistakes and never been the subject of dismissal ParkerEventually the project was nothing but a pile of mass circulation despite clichés and the malignant character of Elvis, despite a real look in his personality.Also isn't finished, after Stands in 1968, without the most show no qualitative artistic and interesting personal journal of the King.The selection of high-profile failed, more like a comedian seems, except as Elvis, especially when trying to capture the stage presence of the king.
Noting the rather high esteem given this production by IMDb voters, I wonder how many have ever seen the 1979 production "Elvis", starring Kurt Russell, and lovingly produced by Dick Clark. It is superior in every way to the 2005 film, but particularly in the performance of Russell, who may have done his finest work as an actor in recreating the "King". I am an Elvis fan, but not enough of a die-hard (I guess) to give a high rating to a movie, simply because of the subject matter. Perhaps the younger generation of Elvis fans have not had the opportunity to view the '79 version as it hasn't been made available on DVD. But, even if you have to lower yourself to an old VHS tape, you will find it well worth the effort !
This was a very bad movie .. Jonathan who played Elvis was so boring to watch he had nothing but a face that in some scenes looked like Elvis .. This guy doesn't have any percent of the 100% charisma that The REal Elvis had .. He has no glow in is performance its to much over the top all trough the movie . The last scene If i can Dream is so badly lipped synced and played that i started to laugh i mean common!! Elvis had a little more sex appeal and nerve then this ... Bad bad bad bad CBS Did a Bad bad thing..Has this actor ever lay ed an eye on Elvis performances? i mean it looked as if he had watched the 68 comeback special like two times or something .. And his singing in the Sun Studio is awful its false and bad! bad! So i wonder how could you cast this guy was it only for the poster ? cause it sure looks like it.Rickard Lindquist
This film lacks any of the components that make a good film. The acting (for the most part) is terrible, the dialog is dry, and the film lacks any sort of real direction. This film is basically a chronological order of highly profiled events in the life of Elvis Presley, relying heavily on "borrowing" from previous films such as: "This Is Elvis", "Elvis Meets Nixon", and "Elvis And Me." Thoughtlessly breezing through scenes and characters without purpose, it halts to an unsatisfying climax.The portrayal of Elvis is likewise disappointing. Elvis seems to be more of an ignorant, mumbling wimp with a horrible Mississippi accent, than an edgy, stylish, wealthy yet humble sexual superstar.One of the most ridiculous moments in the film takes place during the "'68 Comeback Special" scene when the raw, original, inspiring stand-up routine turns into into a goofy, forced, lip syncing freak show. Some of the worst impersonators have done Elvis more justice.