Emergency Squad

6.1| 1h35m| en

A ruthless Interpol agent goes after the man who killed his wife in Stelvio Massi's crime thriller. A gutsy robber named Marseilles pulls off a tricky heist, but he's no match for agent Ravelli, a maverick who can't control his bloodlust. And this time, it's personal: Years earlier, the daring thief murdered the operative's wife in cold blood.


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Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Bezenby This time round we've got Milian playing a cigar chomping, revenge obsessed cop out to catch (and kill) the men who machine gunned his wife by accident. I could have sworn that this film was part of a series of films starring Milian in the same role, but I see no mention of it here.The marked men in question have just pulled off another heist, and we spend probably more time with them than we do with Milian. You've got Ray Lovelock as a left-wing militant, Gaston Black Thumb as the leader with the gorgeous chick lady woman, that guy who was a cop in The Bird With The Crystal plumage and two other guys. Gaston's character is a lot more interesting that Milian's as he's a smart bad guy who's got his own agenda.This film isn't a fun as some of Enzo Castellari or Umberto Lenzi's gangster films, but Stelvio Massi is no fool. His camera work is very inventive and the films looks great. Plenty of violence, car chases, sexism, you know the drill. It's good!
lazarillo This is probably the best of the many, many "polizieschi" flicks director Stelvio Massi directed in the 70's. It has a nice tight plot (unlike more meandering stuff like "Convoy Busters") and it benefits from strong acting by Tomas Milan, Ray Lovelock, and (especially) Gaston Moschin. Milan plays a renegade cop after a group of criminals who murdered his wife five years earlier. While posing as "polizieschi" filmmakers(!), the gang pulls a daring daylight robbery that leaves a policeman dead. They then try to flee Italy dressed as machine-gun toting priests(!!). Moschine plays "the Marseillese" the treacherous, cigar-chomping leader of the group. Lovelock plays a political radical and intellectual who works as the gang's wheel-man. Stefania Cassini plays the rather irritating bimbo girlfriend.Massi does a pretty good job keeping the plot together for a change. He splits the screen time between the bickering, treacherous gang and the relentless cop. This is far from Milan's best role, but he's pretty decent. Lovelock plays an interesting character who should have had more screen time. Cassini, very atypically, keeps her clothes on for some reason (although there's plenty of gratuitous nudity involving a porno club and a scene where the gang holds an entire family hostage, apparently just so they can feel up the mini-skirted teenage daughter and rip her blouse open a couple times). Cassini is a good actress, but her character is pretty annoying and really serves no function. I was very impressed though with Moschin, who I've only seen previously in the sex comedy "Erotomania". He is a far more effective presence in this genre than in comedies. (Although his final face-off with Milan is kind of disappointing).In any event, this is worth watching, especially if you like the Italian crime thriller genre.
bensonmum2 When a band of crooks kills a police officer during a daylight robbery, Inspector Tomas Ravelli of Interpol quickly discovers that the gun used by the robbers matches the gun used to kill his wife some years previous. Whether the Italian police want his assistance or not, Ravelli makes it his mission to track down the killers and avenge his wife's death.It may not be fair, but I can't help but compare all of the Italian cop movies I see with Almost Human (my favorite of those I've seen). And Emergency Squad does not compare favorably. Almost Human was a thrill-a-minute ride with some surprising scenes of brutality. Emergency Squad, on the other hand, is almost a by-the-numbers cop movie that's very nearly bland.I suppose that my greatest disappointment comes from the fact that I've come to expect more from a cop movie with Tomas Milian as the star. Generally, I really enjoy Milian's work. It doesn't matter if he's playing the cop or the crook, he usually a very entertaining actor with something different to offer in each role. His character in Emergency Squad is the exception. I'm convinced that almost anyone could have played this part as effectively as Milian. He chomps on a cigar, has a perpetual scowl on his face, and doesn't talk much. He's just not a very interesting character.I realize that most of what I've written would seem to suggest I didn't enjoy the movie. That's not true - Emergency Squad is a well-made, fairly entertaining movie. While it may not be a new all-time favorite, it's definitely worth a look. But, if you're looking for one of the best examples of an Italian cop movie, look elsewhere.NoShame has once again delivered a quality DVD for the Region 1 market (I'm starting to sound like a commercial for NoShame). Image and sound are great considering the type of movie we're dealing with here.
Sorsimus Interpol agent Ravelli (Tomas Milian) gets a new clue after five years of investigating a robbery where his wife got killed accidentally from a stray bullet. It leads him to a master criminal called Marseilles, who is trying to keep away from the police after his latest robbery partially failed. Revenge is in the air...Pleasurable crime film. Milian, as usual, gives a good performance as a policeman whose only goal in life is to avenge his wife's death. Good locations, OK casting and a great sense of street credible grit not forgetting good pacing. Slightly more original script wouldn't have hurt, either.Released on video in Finland in the eighties.