Emmanuelle: The Joys of a Woman

1975 "Nothing is wrong if it feels good"
4.8| 1h24m| NC-17| en

Emmanuelle returns to her husband in Hong Kong and proceeds to have several extramarital affairs -- with his knowledge, of course. Her husband's lover and American guest are both very puzzled by their openness.


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Also starring Catherine Rivet


Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Dave from Ottawa The rambling philosophical ruminations on erotica that made up such a large part of the first movie (and frankly made no sense whatsoever) are absent here in favor of much more familiar explorations of strange sensual experiences (other women, men, groups, unusual settings, even acupuncture and massage) typical of a 70s erotic novel. Just Jaekin, director of the first movie, dismissed this film (along with the rest of the series) as unnecessarily tacked on junk, but the formula of the first movie is faithfully followed here and the results are quite watchable if not to be taken too seriously. Steamy Thailand creates an effectively exotic hothouse setting for the languorous writhing that takes up much of the movie's running time and everything looks very colorful and lush thanks to an excellent cinematographic eye for tropical images. The result is somewhat less entertaining than it sounds. It's a soft-core travelogue with the beautiful but rather dull to watch Sylvia Kristel front and center for most of the film. I have never been convinced that the woman could act, and though she looks great, she seems rather overburdened to carry a whole film for 100 minutes. Something about her performance is never completely convincing or in the moment. Nevertheless, the movie looks good, and has moments of true erotic power - something many others in this genre fail to attain - making it far from the worst choice a viewer might make when looking for an erotic adventure film.
sinnerofcinema A wonderful sensual film with a most outstanding soundtrack. Sylvia Kristel brings to life another episode of the insatiable Emmanuel. Ms. Kristel not only brings decorum to the role, but also class and a beautiful sensuality that only this beautiful woman can exude. The artistry, cinematography and detail for art direction makes this film a beautiful cinematic crescent of colors to watch. The erotic scenes were so beautifully stages, shot and endured, that you cannot help but to want to be with the actors playing the scenes out with them as well. I recommend this film cause it will not only transport you back to a time where erotic films had a definite story structure and cinematic beauty, but they were also artful and decadent. The nostalgia is palpitable. I cannot comment enough on the soundtrack of this film. The orchestration are guttwrenching and emotional and adds light to every scenes where it is placed. France should be most proud to have had in existence, back then, such a beautiful, talent, classing and sexually charged actress as Sylvia Kristel.
gridoon "Emmanuelle 2" is an interesting relic of its era. That's not to say it's not explicit enough (it is, for a soft-core porn film), just that it has that decidedly pre-AIDS attitude about casual sexual encounters with multiple partners. The sex scenes deliver the goods, but the lack of a discernible plot may prove tiresome for some. This is a movie best enjoyed by using your fast-forward button to get to the scenes for which you rented the film in the first place (but you probably could have figured that out by yourself). (**1/2)
DesiMaal A must for Sylvia Kristel fans although not as hot as the original one she starred in. Also a chance to see Laura Gemser as the masseuse bearing a striking resemblance to Barbara Carrera, before Laura went on to do the Emmanuelle series herself.