Encounters of the Spooky Kind

7| 1h42m| NR| en

"Big Guts" Cheung, a man well known in his local village for his lack of fear, is put to the test after being trick into spending the night in a temple full of spirits, zombies, and vampires.


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Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
OllieSuave-007 Sammo Hung stars in one of his first Hong Kong horror movies, where he plays Bold Cheung, a villager who is on the run from an evil master who wants him dead so he could marry his unfaithful wife and from a corrupted inspector who believes Cheung murdered his wife (he was framed for it). Two dueling Taoist Priests fight over Cheung's fate.There are plenty of nicely choreographed and sword-wielding Kung-Fu action and a freaky-executed Chinese vampire, who was controlled by the evil priest to do Cheung in. These two are the most exciting elements of the film. However, a large part of the movie stretches too long: Towards the beginning of the film, there is a demon who nearly captures Cheung through a portal in a mirror; however, this scene has nothing to do with the plot and it looks as if the demon scene was just thrown in for good measure. It strays from the story in what is a long and dragged out movie. Too much preaching from the characters added unnecessary plot elements and did make this movie boring at times, contributed by an unremarkable music score. The climax was also, I think, a little overkill.If you are a hardcore fan of Kung-Fu movies and wouldn't mind watching a long, dragged out movie, than give this film a try. Otherwise, there are plenty of other horror, ghost and fantasy movies from Hong Kong that are more entertaining.Grade D+
lost-in-limbo Oh I love 'Mr Vampire (1985)', so how could I not fall for 'Spooky Encounters' in what people call the prototype of the Hong Kong sub-genre; horror, comedy and martial arts rolled into one. It's genius. Inspired. And non-stop fun. Really the tripped-out blend would be hard to pull off, but star/writer/director Sammo Hung does an adeptly magnificent job combining them in a satisfying manner. No doubts, that this film has some influences' on other horror films. Sam Raimi's 'Evil Dead' Trilogy? I can see it. The comically bumbling, but gallant protagonist (amusingly acted by Hung) sticks out with its familiarities to Ash. The confrontations with the supernatural are exaggeratedly humorous with its free-flowing slapstick and psychical gags. The scenes of possessed rotting corpses and jumping Chinese vampires in combat and that of our protagonist's arm having a mind of its own are highly enjoyable in their spectacularly crafted set-pieces. Kung-fu choreography is that of high level with its timing, pacing and overall rhythm. Never skips a beat, as the outstanding camera-work characteristically frames every shot in a prolific and kinetic fashion. The story tells of poor worker Bold Cheung as he encounters many unusual, spooky situations when he gets caught up in a bet to stay a night in a haunted temple, but along the way he's getting close to discovering that his wife is having an with affair with his boss. The material is a jumble, but creative storm of hybrid ideas. Adventurous, cheeky and ghastly. Scripting holds up well, as it compels with its charm and fruitful quips. The witchcraft side isn't particularly horrifying, not even eerie because the humour mostly takes centre stage, but it's definitely pleasurably offbeat. But what stands out, and leaves an impression is the way they go about ending it. POW! Hung's high octane direction is thick on atmosphere, uncanny sound FX, playful score, vivid art-direction and splendidly wonderful looking (yep even though macabre corpses) make-up and special effects. Brightly animated performances by Ha Wong, Dick Wei, Ching-Ying Lam, Fat Chung, Lung Chan and Suet-Moi Leung lend well too. Growing up watching the magically crazy 70's Japanese TV series 'Monkey Magic' was where it all started for me, and I don't see myself ever falling out of interest. If you're getting bored with the recent same-old clutter coming out of modern Asian horror cinema, all you have to do is go back and delve into these early Eastern fixtures for some blistering thrills and tasty laughs.
Guardia This film deals with the persecuted character of "Bold Cheung", played by Sammo Hung, as he simultaneously battles to find those who framed him for murder and also escaping a pursuing detective. It is a mostly kung-fu comedy film, and really defined the genre of kung-fu horror, (from which titles such as "Mr. Vampire" capitalised off greatly).The brilliance of this film lies in it's great mix of excellent choreography, and interesting and exotic characters - the horror themes are like an extra background setting that improve the film even further. Not only is it a first in it's (sub)genre, but it happens to be one of the best - and this is due to Sammo's awesome talent.The development of the plot really does centre around Cheung, as he uses his wits and savage kung-fu to overcome various set-pieces of action such as a resurrected corpse (Chinese vampire), a voodoo-doll, a band of policemen, yet another undead corpse, ghosts, specters, and men possessed with summoned Gods.His slapstick style is present again, as well as his unique ability for weapon choreography. The ending sequence rivals "Odd Couple" as the best weapon skills caught on film - (watch those spear techniques closely!). Cinematography in this film is superb, and the restored version I own has not dated in the slightest. In fact, the film looks better than those brought out much later, (I did notice a wash of blue across the entire print, though).Hang in there for the end - one of the most vindictive and vengeful endings I have ever seen. It has a strange satisfaction though!
bajbij This influential film introduced the hopping vampires in kung fu films, called gyonsies. This was the first film to accurately depict chinese vampires (Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires was the first kung fu film to show vampires, but with European vamp influence.) Sammo Hung is funny in this film, but for a fat man, he is no joke. He can do stunts that would shame any fit athletic man. The kung fu choreography is spectacular and humorus. And the ending is one of the most satisfying ending any man can hope for when your wife not only cheats on you, but plots your murder. EOTSK helped pave the way for chinese horror films as we know them today, but this is easily the best as far as entertainment all over. 9 out of 10.