Escape from Hell

4.4| 1h16m| en

Do you believe in life after death? Dr. Eric Robinson wants to believe and experience that infinite love and warmth that near death testimonies claim is on the other side of life. His colleague, Dr. Marissa Holloway, is on a crusade to alleviate the fear of death and suffering by proving to the world that heaven awaits everyone. In a moment of desperation, Dr. Robinson faces death and discovers the reality of hell – a place the Bible portrays – a hell from which we must all escape.



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Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Jetset971 This movie is a travesty! I mean they take the subject of near death experiences and make it seem that everyone who has ever died, briefly, has either gone to the Christian heaven or Christian hell with absolutely no other option available. The fact is that when people have had near death experiences they all have different versions of what they saw. It was almost never heaven or hell based on their religious beliefs. They saw things like long lost loved ones or bright lights or any other number or phenomenon. To be fair there are those that have had bad after death experiences of terror and pain. However, I submit to you that if their is only one Christian heaven and hell after we die, then every near death experience would be like what was depicted in this movie, without exception. The fact is they are not black and white. Furthermore, one scene in particular made my blood boil. The doctor is interviewing a blind, from birth mind you, person who had a near death experience and saw heaven and an angel telling her to go back to earth because it wasn't her time. Even if this is based on a real blind person who said this, you have to realize that if she had been blind since birth she wouldn't understand what she saw. She testifies to seeing colors and such but it has been medically proved that a person born blind that suddenly gets their vision back is still "mentaly blind" and wouldn't understand or comprehend what they are seeing. This leads me to believe that its more likely that they made up this woman's story, or at least exaggerated it, for artistic license. All and all don't waste your time on this biased Christina propaganda.
farrell-g I ran into this on late-night Christian TV. I was initially disappointed, as the story moved along somewhat ploddingly. It begins with a guy being revived from death in a hospital that looks like the basement of an oil refinery, that's lit entirely in red. Later, we discover that the patient is actually a doctor intrigued by reports of near-death experiences in which patients report seeing Heaven.Wanting to see for himself, he injects himself with a deadly cocktail, and calls a doctor friend to revive him.As it turns out, he travels through a tunnel of light to Heaven, which is an incredibly beautiful mountain range with lights flitting around. One of these lights turns into a human (presumably God), and informs the doctor that it "isn't his time" and he "has to go". Inexplicably, he's then thrown into Hell. If it isn't his time for Heaven, isn't it not his time for Hell, too? Anyway, he flies through a tunnel of fire and lands in the scorching plains of Hell, where he soon runs into a dead colleague who's begging for water. We learn via flashback that the reason the colleague was cast into Hell is that he channel-surfed past John Hagee on the TV. Wow...pretty touchy, God! As the doctor's friend revives him, he's drawn back to Earth, presumably to get all preachy on everyone with his newfound belief.I laughed long and loud at this film. It includes everything: the stereotypical smug and sneering atheist, the righteous convert, the ignorant scientist, and the silly mythology.A funny but happily short film. Might be good for drinking games at a party of heathen friends.
peterlubit This Christian movie does an excellent job of using out of body experience as a tool to communicate the Gospel message. I am surprised by good acting, storyline, and camera work on this low budget production. It is not a cinema movie, but captivating and it does what it was made to do. Make people think about life after death.Some reviewers bash the movie for lack of theological integrity, but I disagree. No movie can perfectly portray heaven or hell. Books, painting, or movies can only give a glimpse of what heaven or hell might be. The movie shows hell does exist and only faith in Christ can save you, while stressing the fact that your good morality cannot save you.I have to say, the movie's biggest theological weakness is the 70's and 80's presentation of the Gospel. There is a heavy emphasis on faith in Christ. There is a lack of communicating that living a godly life must also be integrated to your faith. James clearly says faith without works is dead.
dwhitejr34 This film was excellent. I'm so glad to see filmmakers of faith beginning to make quality movies. This film will really get you thinking about the reality of heaven and hell. For those who believe that the Bible is truly God's Word, an instruction manual to how to live life on earth, then this film maintains the accuracy of scripture. I like the way the director took a NDE (Near Death Experience) of someone who had not accepted Christ as Savior and their eyes were opened to what Hell is really like. His use of a fictional story to make a point worked very well. I highly recommend this film to anyone interested in NDE's or to find out what the Bible says about Heaven and Hell or life after death.

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