Every Time We Say Goodbye

1986 "In a time and a world of impossible love, he would accept nothing less than everything."
5.8| 1h35m| PG-13| en

A Protestant World War II pilot and a Jewish girl fall in love in Jerusalem, even though their diverse backgrounds threaten to pull them apart.


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TriStar Pictures


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Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
drbaumzweiger Every Time We Say Goodbye takes on very significant historical, cultural, and family issues regarding the burden of History on individuals who are attempting to for personal relationships, Cultural conflicts that evolved from the violent history and the "Existential" plight that results from all of these influences deeply affecting individuals who attempting to create personal relationships.While Every Tine We Say Goodbye has some problems with smoothness in terms of the screen play, its content probes the very deep sources of hatred, prejudice and conflict that are threatening civilization three decades later.
pc95 "Every Time We Say Goodbye" is one of those movies you never hear of but are surprised to see a famous actor in (Tom Hanks in this case) on the DVD case. The movie seems a bit dated in it's premise but has some charm to it. Locations are well shot and settings and supporting characters are interesting enough. (spoiler) I liked how Hanks meets the Marsillach character at the sort of engagement dance as well as the events that lead him to having dinner with her family. The on-camera chemistry is modest though blown out with a better depiction of the families' ire for their daughter and the extreme sort of discipline that follows - probably believable for a 1940s era reaction. Tom Hanks here in an earlier part of his career does a fair job more quiet and understated. In a quote from him, he said this movie disappeared, and I suppose it's true, but perhaps it's disappearance is harsh as it has some good moments.
Avoura I had not heard of this film before, but just happened to watch it on TV in the afternoon, at the suggestion of my girlfriend. She did not know it either, but it starred Tom Hanks, and she likes him as an actor, so we watched it. We were not disappointed. The film was made in Israel, and I loved seeing some shots of Jerusalem (which I have visited twice), and the acting was great. The storyline was good and very interesting, even unusual. The two leads, Tom Hanks (when he was quite young) and Cristina Marsillach (who I never heard of before) both were believable in their roles and made us believe that their characters were well suited. If this ever comes out on DVD, go rent it or buy it. If it is on TV, record it. This is a film I liked very much.
jmoman I love anything with Tom Hanks - he is such a believable actor, even in this early part of his career. This movie is a fun chick flick where you see the complete vulnerability of people when they fall in love under oppressive circumstances. You just get the "tingles" right along with them. David (Hanks) falls hopelessly in love with a Jewish girl, Sara (Marsillach) of Spanish decent. She tries to fight her feelings, knowing her family would not approve of him because he is a Gentile. They fall more in love through secret trysts and hide their relationship from her family. The intensity rises too high when her family figures out them, and cruelly forces her to put an end to relationship. Sara must choose if she will go against her family to love a man who may have his life taken in this war.The only thing that disappointed me, was that I felt the movie wrapped up too quickly. I would have enjoyed more relationship development to make the ending more satisfying. However, the character development throughout the movie was great, and Hanks did wonderfully showing the intensity of his love for "Sara."