Evil Ed

1995 "When His Mind Blows ... Anything Goes!"
5.5| 1h33m| en

Edward is a friendly, harmless film cutter on the culture department. After a suicide accident, he is put on the mission to cut the "Loose limbs"-series. The blood, gore and violence causes him start go insane. Edward slowly turns into EVIL ED!


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Smart Egg Pictures


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Also starring Johan Rudebeck

Also starring Per Löfberg

Also starring Gert Fylking


Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Horror Banana-nanza Ever hear of the Splatter and Gore Department? I wish I could work there.So this movie comes from Sweden. I really wish more like this came from there, because this movie had my sides splitting from laughter. There's in-jokes, ridiculous characters, gore, goofy dialogue, and some of the creepiest film reels you'll ever see.Ed works as a film editor, but after a previous editor for the Splatter and Gore Department goes nuts and is killed while working, Sam Campbell (get it?) puts Ed in charge in his place. He puts Ed up in a nice secluded house, where the movies he edits begin to mess with Ed's head. He starts seeing body parts in place of food and monsters in the refrigerator. So he tries to tell Campbell that he doesn't want the job anymore.The scene with Ed in Campbell's office is outrageous, due mostly to the sound effects that Campbell has running in the background all day long. My favorite line from this sound collage? "It's molestin' time!" Wow. What the hell movie was that? Not to mention the "Beaver Rape Scene" that Ed cut from the movie, which Campbell demands stays in, claiming it's not offensive. Well, I mean, I've never seen or heard of a beaver rape scene, so I don't know if it would be or not. But probably, yeah.So Ed goes progressively crazier, killing people who deliver film to the house, or pretty much anyone who comes to the house. He even goes after his wife and kid, before finally tracking down Campbell, and well, Ed loses his head. In more ways than one.This movie is completely nuts. It's tongue in cheek, it's funny as hell, and it needs to be seen by more people. So yeah, watch it, then spread the word. It deserves viewers.
CMRKeyboadist Evil Ed is a Swedish film about a man named Ed (of course)and his collapse into total madness after editing a series of B horror films known as "The Loose Limbs" series. Ed becomes so mad that he thinks he's seeing demons and monsters but in reality they are people he knows and people that are close to him, such as his wife and daughter.I first saw this movie back in 1998 and was baffled by what I had seen. To this day, this movie I consider to be one of the darkest comedies out there. As the movie is almost slapstick funny with its gore scenes there are still a few creepy moments.This is a cool flick but don't expect anything marvelous. It's simply just a fun movie that is good to show some of your friends for some laughs. 8/10 stars
OakTownAs77 Man this movie was way better then I thought it would have been.It was hella funny,Evil Ed was hella funny especially.Hella good effects also better then I thought it would have been.It was kinda creepy too.Overall Evil Ed was a big surprise.If you like funny,gory,horror movies you will like this one.It has everything in it comedy,nudity,gore,all a man needs lol.some things i found kinda fake like when the grenade blew up the pieces would have flew and cracked his skull,but it's just a low-budget movie i can't get on them for that.I gave this movie 6/10 stars.If your a fan of Evil Dead 2 you should really check out this video you won't be disappointed.Even though this movie doesn't compare to Evil Dead 2 it's really a must get.
Coventry Calling this film a decent or enjoyable horror tribute is far too optimistic. Heck, you can't even refer to it as a nice spoof of the genre because it's way below average ( it's funny, but not "haha-funny, you know). But still I'd say to give it a look. If only for the huge amount of trivia elements in it. By the way, all those people who're complaining about this movie here in their comments have only themselves to blame. When you see the DVD-cover of this film, you should already know that it's not going to be on the same level as "The Piano" for example, so don't come complaining afterwards... Evil Ed could've been something but the totally screwed it up. I suppose the main idea behind this film is criticism towards the growing 'cutting-committee' in horror nowadays. It shows an editor named Edward who's slowly (well,not too slowly) going nuts by seeing all the violence and gore in the movies produced by his company produced. The big boss is named Sam Campbell...Funny, isn't it ? Personally I also expected a character named Bruce Raimi, but to my surprise there wasn't. Anyway, this guy became rich by making movies called "Loose Limbs". They feature ( and I'm not kidding you! ) scenes in which a girl is getting raped by a BEAVER (?) and then gets shot in the head by a bazooka !!! Now, who says horror isn't original anymore ?With all the gore and the 'loose limbs', it's hard to believe it but it really gets boring very quick. After a decent first 25 minutes, Evil Ed turns into complete boredom and never recovers from that. The only think left to do then ( besides pushing the eject-button, of course ) is look for the obvious amount of references to other, much better horror films. I saw scenes obviously stolen from The Evil Dead, Silence of the Lambs, Braindead and several others.And there's a huge amount of classic horror posters on the walls to admire as well.Evil Ed finds it origin in Sweden. I'm convinced there's a lot up talent there, far North ( take the Danish "Nattevagten" as an example )...but none of them talents joined the cast or crew of Evil Ed. Only to see if you're in a dumb mood and you don't want to use your brain at all.