
1981 "Forged by a god. Foretold by a wizard. Found by a king."
7.3| 2h21m| R| en

A surreal adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur" chronicling Arthur Pendragon's conception, his rise to the throne, the search by his Knights of the Round Table for the Holy Grail, and ultimately, his death.


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Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Osmosis Iron This is the best overall movie about the Arthurian legends(that isn't a musical or comedy), it covers almost every aspect and does it in style. It looks and sounds glorious and doesn't hold back on violence or sexual themes. Epic fantasy in it's truest form!
Tweetienator By far the best movie about King Arthur, Excalibur, Lancelot and all the other great names of one of the greatest legends Europe got, besides maybe the Saga of the Nibelungen and a few others. Dark, bloody, mature, fantastic acting, and full of the finest cinematography (beats all the CGI-Superoverload-Bulls******g that nowadays is enough to convince most of the so-called pro-critics to claim a movie "is great" or the "next big thing"). On top without any p.c. and/or "liberal" nonsense of rewriting history/legends etc. which is nowadays so common, that one could come to the conclusion that the real year is not 2017 but 1984 ;)If for whatever reason you just want to watch one movie about the legend of King Arthur and the legendary sword in the stone in your lifetime, this is the only choice for you. The movie: fantastic, great, and almost a legend itself.
Thomas Drufke Excalibur is probably the King Arthur film that most ambitiously tackles the in-depth mythology and legend of the medieval warrior, which is both a good and bad thing.Let's start with the good. This film is a fascinating dive into the ins and outs of Arthurian Legend, starting with the mystical sword, Excalibur. Sometimes the most interesting way to tell a story isn't through your characters but a representation of their strengths and weaknesses. Excalibur is just that for Arthur. He relies on the sword for strength and wisdom, which in turn is his weakness. The power the sword yields him is bigger than Arthur himself, which is where he can sometimes fall victim to the temptations of greed and self-value. At the same time, the sword is easily the films coolest asset.For the first hour or so, it gets increasingly harder to root for Arthur as a character. Here's a guy who stumbles upon power and acts like he's worked his whole life to get it, and he's hardly humble about his circumstances. It isn't until we realize where the story is going and who the main antagonist is that our protagonist (being Arthur) really hits the right note. All of a sudden, a whiny and largely unworthy King, feels noble and brave through the faults of the villain. It is then that the film takes off to an exciting, but equally strange place.This version of the King Arthur story isn't afraid of embracing the fantasy elements and downright weirdness of the source material. Not only do you have Merlin, the great wizard, manipulating certain situations in the background, but you have plenty of other mystical elements enhanced to fit the story that director John Boorman was trying to tell. With that said, when the film does tackle the mystical side of the story it doesn't always feel in place with the rest of the grounded war film that's in its place. So in that regard, I have mixed feelings on it.However, in all, this is about as good as you can tell the proper Arthurian story. It has everything from a brilliant focus on the sword, Lancelot's jealousy and betrayal, a twisted backstory, Merlin pulling the strings, bloody battles, to an overall epic journey for the King. If there was a film that epitomizes all that is good (and strange) about the mythology, Excalibur is probably it.+Crazy mythology embraced+Epic+Performances+Even dives into the strangeness-Which is where it sometimes takes the film off the rails8.3/10
Miguel Neto Excalibur is another adaptation of the legend of King Arthur, and the movie is good, not enough to be the best on Arthur, the direction of John Boorman is good, the cast is good, Nigel Terry, Helen Mirren, Cherie Lunghi, Nicol Williamson Katrine Boorman, Gabriel Byrne, Patrick Stewart, Liam Neeson and etc, the acting is good, the script has some problems, the pace is moderate, I found the longer I should film the look of the film is excellent, the armors are very good, mainly bright, the costumes are impeccable, the picture is very good, and the action scenes are very good, the first 20 minutes is very good, Excalibur is not the best film about King Arthur, even more so is a good movie. Note 7.9