Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers

3.6| 1h31m| en

The film takes place in an undisclosed part of Florida, in which a priest is called upon to help exorcise Gail Bowers, who has come to be possessed by malevolent forces.


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The Asylum


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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
TheLittleSongbird Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers is not quite as terrible as the rating and some of the reviews suggest, but it is disheartening when a movie gets off to a good start but from beyond that point is lacking in a lot of areas. There are things that were halfway-decent, good even. The best thing about Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers is the opening, which is quite intense and fun to watch, a promising start indeed. The priest-on-priest murder scene has also been mentioned elsewhere as another good scene, that was shocking and fairly well done too. A couple of performances shone through(from personal opinion the acting was more uneven rather than good or bad), Griff Furst is touching, his character Clark like the others is clichéd but also one of the more likable ones, and while he does overact at times Thomas Downey is the very meaning of bad-ass. The ladies are sensual to look at, the old-school make-up looked very effective and the special effects are okay, a little better than expected(hardly award-worthy though). Unfortunately David Schick is over-the-top and annoying and Erica Roby's, though not without her good moments, inexperience does show. After such a promising beginning, the last two thirds of the movie don't match at all, the middle was rather tedious and with very little tension, too much padding was a major problem in this regard, and the ending/final half-hour is bloated and all-over-the-place(very kitchen-sink quality). Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers we know from the get go is low-budget, but the production values are really slipshod, often too blurry, darkly-lit and claustrophobic-looking and to say the editing is terrible is an understatement, choppy and we can even see irrelevant objects either in corners or full-view. The dialogue is stilted and contains a lot of misplaced humour- intentional and unintentional-, this couldn't be more true in the more serious-toned scenes(including the exorcism) where there is a one-liner that single-handedly hurts the scene. The story is too padded, devoid and atmosphere and sometimes felt like a string of derivative and inferior rip-offs that are as misplaced as some of the humour. The direction isn't amateurish as such but there definitely could have been more flow and balance between tension and comedy because it all felt disjointed, while we never get to connect with the characters either, Clark is the most likable and we don't learn much about him either apart from what role he's serving in the story and in relation to the title character. All in all, started off good but the rest was a sprinkle of decent and a lot of mediocre and bad. 4/10 Bethany Cox
TdSmth5 This is a good low budget straight-forward exorcism movie. Low budget movies have improved considerably recently and this movie shows it. It looks good, has some good special effects and a decent story. The acting is excellent all around with fresh and realistic dialogue. The lovely Erica Roby is a revelation in the role of the possessed Gail. She is such a natural beauty. The movie hinges on her performance and she does a fine job in representing the various stages of a tormented teen girl. The various priests as well as the psychiatrist also do a good acting job. This movie is surprisingly entertaining considering the limitations in filming almost the entire movie in a house. Definitely worth a look.
jmbwithcats For a low budget horror, this movie rocks... up until the last half hour which comprises itself of the exorcism chapter of the film, which everything is in essence, building up to. We know it's coming, we expect it to blow your socks off, but it just doesn't.You've got all the staple food of a spine chilling low budget horror.Simple effects used correctly really make your budget work for you. Dario Argento would be proud. The growl when Gail turns her head is a sweet sound byte, I think I'll use that for my "You've Got Mail" wav for GMail.When Gail looks in the mirror, walks away and her reflection stays there smiling at her I thought, hell yeah that's a cool gimmick.Gratuitous nudity is something directors are so afraid of these days, but with a straight to video release one doesn't have to worry so much about ratings, and like the MC from Cabaret would exclaim, these girls are hot, hot, hot! But, that's not enough to make a film other than a porn so we have to put that aside, and get scrutinizing, it has to be done, or as a movie reviewer I simply am not doing a very good job.I'm fairly certain there is no such ritual as the Rite of Abraham in this capacity as the Rite of Abraham actually refers to the act of circumcision. (SEPHER YEZIRAH Chaper 1:2) The place this movie fails in my opinion is two-fold.The blind priest doesn't look the part. He lacked the depth demanded by the part. He looks too young, and the intensity is simply not there. Also the demon is in a word; unimpressive.I cringed when they blatantly ripped off The Exorcist and Stigmata and actually laughed during the exorcism. The finale which consisted of the exorcism, or last half hour were just terrible.It's like the movie was hopeful for the first half but culminated in a complete meltdown at the end.Really it started out as a decent 6, but melted down into a 2... 3 since I'm feeling generous.
sammon-1 Watching this film reminded me of an afternoon sitcom, the actor's did without a doubt, it just has "done on the cheap" written all over it.it claims to be about the person that the movies "Exorcist" is about, but I found nothing of the such to back up that claim at all, so thats the production company blagging away there.It's a shame really, as I'm a fan of the genre, but this has "Made for Teens" all over it.Shame really because it could have been good, especially when you remember that the original Exorcist wasn't released here in the UK for fourteen years!

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