Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America

2006 "It began with one man."
4.9| 1h23m| en

An outbreak of avian flu mutates into a virus that becomes transmittable from human to human.


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Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
starman-wa This TV movie is well worth watching especially if you are a disaster movie fan. The movie shows events from several points of view (a nurse, soldier, politician, a family and a pandemic expert) and builds on most of the characters quite well.The acting is acceptable as is how the story flows, the ending is clearly left that way to allow for a follow-up TV series which obviously did not go ahead, so does have a feeling of wanting it to continue to conclusion but the movie does progress far enough to make this a stand alone story.Certainly thought provoking and one of the more believable and credible potential disasters that could occur.
Nazi_Fighter_David Films like "The Day After" and "The Towering Inferno," bring to life people's fears of death and destruction... As ABC News Correspondent Brian Rooney explains, the latest incarnation of disaster flick envisions a world where bird flu has reached the shores of America…Twenty million dead… Bodies in the streets… Mass graves… Looting… Hoarding... Panic across America… The killer avian virus hits this country and what happens here is beyond imagination… That's according to tonight's ABC made-for-TV-movie, "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America", a purely fictional story of what might happen if bird flu arrived on these shores… The film depicts what could happen as the virus spreads and people react to the catastrophe
mmalkasian As a professional business continuity planner, one who has worked extensively in the pandemic flu planning field, let me tell you now that this movie is not about an impossible doomsday scenario. The H5N1 virus is a very real threat and every government on every level has been preparing for it for years. What was pleasantly surprising about this movie (which, frankly, I did not expect very much from) was its accuracy - both in portraying facts and possible situations. They did a very good job of giving background on the pandemics of the past - 1918, 57, and 68. They also showed the infections coming in waves, just as they have in past pandemics and in all probability will when the next one hits.Watching this movie was like watching the scenario that plays in the head of every pandemic flu planner when they write response protocols and imagine how quickly this could move and how devastating it could be. I know I've seen this movie many times in my own head already. The fact is that it is a matter of "when", not "if". Historically, we have had pandemics on average once every 30 years (which means we are currently overdue for one). It is enormously unlikely that after an established record like that, we would never have one again. It may not be the H5N1, but it's very likely a pandemic flu will happen again.The acting was good, especially Joely Richardson's performance. The characters were well-developed and watching the communities after the first wave hit brought tears to my eyes a few times. The bravery and resiliency of the American people is truly amazing. Scott Cohen also did a very real, believable job as Governor Newsome.This movie is definitely scary, but what's more scary is being unprepared. Health departments in most large cities are developing or running education campaigns for the public to create awareness for common-sense precautions, as they say in the movie, so hopefully people will start paying attention to the ads that tell them to cover their coughs, wash their hands, and stay home when they're sick.On a final note, despite being quite impressed with the quality of this movie, the ending was a little disappointing. I was hoping for something a bit more resolutory, but I suppose it would have been difficult to end the movie on a very cheery note.Definitely worth your time to see!
britthegreat98 This movie was so dramatic and I hated it. It not only scared me, it made me want to get in a fetal position and cry. Making someone that is not truly a big deal into something everyone is going to die from caused the plot to be so unrealistic. It is good if you want to scare someone perhaps, lets kill all the birds and I guess we will all be fine? I am very scared now and may simply have to start a support group for the viewers of this movie. It was so well done that it scared almost everyone in my household, sometimes you felt it was so bazaar that it could never happened; I believe that it cannot. Therefore, I think this movie was extremely ridiculous and felt totally unnecessary making America worry about a threat that has a very little chance of occurring.

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