Fatal Reunion

4.1| 1h36m| en

Jessica is a housewife, unhappy in her marriage, who decides to "spice it up" a little bit. But she gets more than she bargained for when she contacts an old high school classmate she once had a crush on.


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Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
giavonna0308 I saw this movie was coming on tonight. After reading the comments about it I decided to give it a try since it is a Lifetime movie. I usually enjoy Lifetime movies but this was, by far the worst Lifetime movie I have EVER seen. It was so horrible I created an IMDb account to write about it. When viewing a television movie I do not expect to see the greatest acting skills, but this was a disappointment. I cannot think of any movie that may have been worse than this. I think this may have been the worst movie I have ever seen. The only reason I gave this movie one star was because there was no possible way to give it zero stars.
caa821 On occasion, even the big mega-buck films, with A-list stars and 9-figure budgets, have to contain ridiculously silly omissions to further the plot.But it seems that these "Lifetime," stories, with far from A-list-staffed personnel, do this about 95% of the time.Here, about a hundred or so words of clarification and conversation between the two leads could have precluded all of this nonsense. Of course, then the contact between Laura and her sociopathic former classmate would have been precluded, and the story would have ended after 15 minutes or so. Incidentally, if this had occurred, and they would have just shown a test pattern for the last 100 minutes, it would have been about as entertaining.Russell is a hard-working ad executive/husband, and wife Jessica feels he's cheating from things she has heard, from her stilted observations, and inferences drawn from his erratic, often late work schedule.But for cripes sake, a one-minute conversation between them, and the fore-mentioned 100 words, could have informed her of the fact that he was on the verge of concluding a deal which would have them all set for life, necessitating long hours and occasioning dining with an attractive woman (about which she'd heard from one of her equally-shallow friends).Even this vacuous woman should have understood that. Hubby could have offered a few words of explanation of his own volition, but frankly, the hot -shot ad exec pretty much matched her in the "vacuous" department.So enter the sociopathic former classmate, and his equally (or more) sociopathic companion, and you now have twice the number of vacuous personages on-screen, a story which a challenged 12-year-old could predict, and a whole slew of characters about whom one couldn't care less.(Incidentally, after Jessica initially meets Marcus, and he - purporting to be a big-deal real estate mogul, invites her to dinner - where she chortles about this upcoming assignation with her friends, the dialog here is something which would make the conversations among the nerdy teens in the old beach blanket flicks seem like something highly-intellectual by comparison. And the inevitable brandishing of various weaponry at the conclusion could have been culled from any number of Lifetime "sociopath-menaces-innocent-family" past presentations.)
sol1218 **SPOILERS** Working like a dog at his job as an advertising executive to make life better for his screwy wife Jessica, Erika Eleniak, and his two young children Katie & Joshua,Ashly Hale & Nathan Tipple, Russell Landers, David Millbern, never saw what was coming until it was almost too late. This in regards to a hair-brained attempted by Jessica to get even with him in her misguided thoughts of Russell cheating on her.Just because Russell was coming home late from work and almost passing out from exhaustion in bed Jessica thought that he was playing the field back in the office, with the many sexy women co-employees there ,and decided to get even with Russell by having an affair of her own. Getting in touch, through the internet, with an old flame back in high school Marcus Declan, Michael Bergin, Jessica planned to meet him in a swanky restaurant in downtown Seattle and take up where she left off back some 15 years ago.As you would have expected the two hit it off right away with Marcus realizing that Jessica was bored with her marriage and wanted some real hot and heavy action which he was more the willing to provide for her. It was only after Jessica found out that Russell was breaking his back to get a major contract, worth over 20 million dollars, that would put both her and the kids on easy street that she changed her mind about him. But by then it was too late Marcus was stuck on her like a stamp to a letter and it would take a lot of hot steam in order to get him detached.After the breakup with Marcus things started to get a bit strained for Jessica with her and Russell getting phone calls at night with the other party hanging up and not giving his or her name and even later Jessica's car was vandalized and family dog Lucy, played by Buddy the pooch, poisoned. It also came out that Marcus was indited in a murder back in Dallas Texas of Nicole Kingsley, Anne Opensha, in which he was found innocent. Feeling that he murdered, even though exonerated in a court of law, once and will murder again both Jessica and Russell try to get Marcus arrested by the Seattle Police only to find out that he's got air-tight alibis where he was during all the troubles that they, Jessica & Russell, accuse him of causing them. It's not until later that this mysterious and somewhat spaced-out young woman Lisa Calders, Juliet Laandau,shows up at the Landers home that things really start to pop. Claiming to be the attorney who got Marcus off, from his murder charge, back in Dallas Lisa start to formulate this plan to get the goods on him in his attempted murder of both Jessica and Russell that she claims that Marcus is planning. ****SPOILERS****It didn't take that much to figure out that this Lisa was a fake and had ulterior motives in both screwing Marcus and the Landers and it all went back to Dallas Texas and the murder of Nicole Kingsley and the person who really was responsible for her death.Very predictable and silly crime drama that has you feeling absolutely no sympathy at all for it's star Jessica Landers. Jessica was both selfish and ridicules in her dealings with both her loyal husband Russell and new found boyfriend Marcus. Scerewing, figuratively not literally, both Russell and Marcus Jessica in the end not only put herself in danger but her husband and children, as well as the family dog Lucy, as well.****MAJOR SPOILERS****The ending was about as off-the-wall as you can imagine with the killer coming out of the shadows and revealing himself only to end up blowing his, or her, plan in offing both Jessica and Russell as well as the by now almost brain-dead Marcus. The badly disabled Marcus, with a bullet in the back of his skull, in his own way saved the day by coming back to life when you, as well as the killer , thought that he was history.
shanfloyd This straight-to-video thriller starring ex-Baywatch babe Erica Eleniak has neither suspenseful plot nor sex and gore, the two basic things that I expect from a low-budget thriller. Since I strongly suggest that one should avoid this film, I don't see why I shouldn't tell you the whole story spoiling everything. Jessica (Eleniak) is a middle-aged woman who has a workaholic husband. Frustrated, one day she e-mails and meets her old high-school boyfriend. The guy, Marcus, thinks Jessica wants him and goes after her; and she rejects as she still loves her husband. After that she's being stalked and threatened by a person, and assumes Marcus is behind all this. She finds out that he was once charged with murder of one of his girlfriends. Now a lawyer named Lisa arrives and tells her that she has to act as a bait to capture Marcus. But it turns out that Lisa is no lawyer, but Marcus' psycho wife who actually committed the murder and threatened Jessica.With this simple story, you need good actors and screenplay to make the movie watchable. But I'll better refrain from commenting on these two topics. Regarding the plot twist, one can easily tell that Lisa is the criminal from her appearance right from the beginning. The film has no single element that you should watch it for. It's a complete waste of time.

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