Father Frost

6.3| 1h19m| en

A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.


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Also starring Natalya Sedykh

Also starring Eduard Izotov


Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Steineded How sad is this?
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Leofwine_draca JACK FROST is another snowbound Russian fairy tale with an interesting, occasionally perplexing storyline to keep you intrigued throughout. The tale is about a pair of young lovers who have to contend with an evil old witch who decides to make their lives hell. The girl is mistreated by her family while the boy is assaulted by a mysterious mushroom-headed magician and turned into a human bear.If that sounds all rather odd then it is, but in the best Russian tradition. I do like the atmosphere of these films and the sheer amount of effort having gone into the special effects and action sequences. The mystical, snow-covered landscape is very well realised here and subsequently the film has a strong visual look to it. Scenes of the characters being attacked by living trees and the titular character using magic to cover the land in snow are great fun, if you can overlook the inherent cheesiness and bad dubbing.
Veronika Vykoukalova As nearly everyone from Czech republic could tell you, this movie is classics (of course, I know some people who never watched this movie - not because they don't like fairy tales, but because it's a nice pose to not like anything Russian), so it's no wonder they show it so often in the TV - and people still watch it, and can quote whole passages from the movie by heart.I can't speak for English dubbing, as I've never heard it, but the Czech one is absolutely excellent - a true masterpiece as far as dubbing is concerned. And the story! There is humour, there is healthy dose of mysticism and magic, and good winning over the evil, just like it should be. Of course, if you are not at least minimally aware of Slavic folklore, half of the movie will not make much sense to you - but if Steven Spielberg could find this movie breathtaking, obviously its creators did something right.
MissSimonetta Frost (1965) is a sweet, somewhat surreal and sometimes corny fairy tale flick from the 1960s. I found it rather lovely, even with the stiff and sub-par English dub. This film contains an old-fashioned innocence that just isn't fashionable in modern family fare, and that makes it all the more cruel when it's so mocked.I love Mystery Science Theater 3000, but I don't think this was great riffing material. It's not bad in the least. There were a few moments you could chuckle at, but for the most part, it's adorable. The actors, sets, and costumes are all charming.Any nasty comments directed toward this one just feel unwarranted.
brienmalone This movie really only gained notoriety in the US through Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is both good and bad. For the good: I'm a MST nut, and had they not worked their magic on this film, I'd have never seen it.The 'bad' has to do with the two types of MST3k folks out there: There are those who appreciate movies, obscure references and sarcasm; and there are those who think that because the MST crew chose a movie, it is automatically bad. Many (not all) of the bad reviews for this movie come from people who let MST do their thinking for them.To be completely honest, viewers of the MST version really don't have enough information to accurately rate this movie because MST edited the snot out of it to make it fit into their 1:35 window (2 hours minus commercials). Some of the edits were good, others took huge chunks out of the story.I have seen several versions of this movie now, including "Father Frost" (with the voice of Donald O'Connor) and "Jack Frost", the source of the MST version. The English dubbing is laughable in all versions, but they are each enjoyable in their own right.Rating is subjective. You can rate production quality, dialog, characterization, plot, direction, acting... I prefer to rate according to how much I enjoy a film. I liked this movie so much that I sought out the non-MST versions and have watched them over and over again. 10 stars.