Am I Missing Something?
This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Mischa Redfern
I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
his movie was great. I was 9 years old when this movie first came out. I can't tell you how many times I watched it. I have always loved it (and not just because Patrick Swayze is in it). I love the plot and it is typical 90's style. To judge this movie by modern standards would be horrible. It's sweet. It really makes you think too (I can say that having worked for under aged victims of the state before). In all, the movie is great, and I mean for all ages. Take it for what it is and not what you want it to be. I think it would be a great idea for a remake, but keeping to the original theme and plot as close as possible.
This movie was OK with some flaws the movies about how a man is on the run from the police with his kids who have escaped from a foster home.This movie was better then i thought it would be but it still was a little bit crap and the film stars actors and actresses like Patrick Swayze,Halle Berry,Sabrina Lloyd,Michael Ironside and Brian Bonsall.The movie has an OK plot but at times it got a little bit stupid and Patrick Swayze and Halle berry both done a good job at acting in this movie and if u liked Halle berry in this movie u should see her in the movies monsters ball and x-men 2.Over all this film was OK and my rating is 5 and a half out of 10.
Patrick Swayze stars as a father who is lost to beer, woman and the bad boy life. One day, out of the blue, his children find him but are ripped away by the system. In typical character, after seeing his children handcuffed to a waist belt into the bus back to the home for disturbed children, Swayze decides enough is enough and hijacks the bus, which leads to a cannon ball run trek across America to New Orleans, where the next heist of money will get Swayze the good life.On the way there, he starts to fall in love with his kids and helped by Halle Berry, the reporter who has tried to stop the home molesting children and billing for trips out with the kids that never really took place, Swayze has to decide whether he should take the money and run or look out for his new found family's interests. I really enjoyed this film and recommend watching it, if you missed it back in '93, and the music played during the chases is soulful and funky throughout, which gelled nicely with the plot, especially the last track (wonderful one, if thats its name) which took me right to the end of the credits. I just hope in the next few years we get another version of 'Father Hood' and they stick to the northern soul tracks that blessed this version. Just please please please shut the blonde loud mouth kid up, his character played too well and was as annoying as he was paid to be!!!!!
This is, in simple terms, one of the worst films ever made. The story goes way beyond being tasteless and judging by the actors performance, they know it. There just in not one single redemming quality of this film. Patrick Swayze will have to overcome some major obstacles in his career, before people forget about this turkey.