Fear of Clowns 2

2007 "This Time, He Brought Friends..."
3.7| 1h47m| R| en

Led by the maniacal asylum escapee Shivers, three psychotic clowns target a clown-fearing artist as their next victim. The detective who had Shivers committed in the first place is hot on his trail, this time intent on eliminating him altogether.


Producted By

Kangas Kahn Films


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Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
djangozelf-12351 Honestly...I did not like the first one either.But it sometimes happens sequels are better than the original and thats why I decided to watch this one. While the first had some cheap scares and some good chase scenes, this one has non of that.The movie is to long and all that time is wasted on romantic development which easily fills half the film.Few years back I searched quite some time for a good "clown horror" movie.Until this day "stitches" with Ross Noble is the best one according to me and a sequel for this would be a welcome one.Only "Stitches" and "it" bring high quality to this horror sub genre.Point is, there is something better.Both the "fear of clowns" films and "clownstrophobia" are about the worst you can get in this sub genre."Clown" released in 2014,I think?,showed great promise but was numbed down to much probably to reach a bigger audience,so that was really a shame. Keeping my hopes up for a "stitches" trilogy.Go Noble!
ykymrfalcon First of all, this movie is a million times better than the original Fear of Clowns. I don't know if this was the intension, but it's also freaking hilarious. I was cracking up almost the whole time. It's pretty cool that it's a local film (Maryland/Eastern Shore) too. But the acting is improved, the story is improved, the interest is improved (in the first FOC, I only really liked it during the last part of the movie because it takes place in a movie theater that I go to all the time). There is a bit of suspense, but like almost all horror movies, the point of the whole thing is pretty much not there. However, movies like this are also meant to entertain, and this movie did that very well. That's why I give it a 7/10. It's satisfactory. I am glad Kevin Kangas had more money to put into the second installment. Maybe if he makes a third FOC, he'll have an even bigger budget and be able to make a much better movie that even all the Kevin Kangas haters can enjoy.
Tammy OConner Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you to one of the best part II's to surface from a "not-so-well-received" original Fear Of Clowns. I was visiting family in Roland Park, Maryland when I happened to stumble on a morning news interview with actor Johnny Alonso. My first thoughts were okay, actor with a west coast look sporting a New York accent screening a premiere in Baltimore....hmmmm, this movie has got to suck. Having nothing to do but another family dinner, I decided to check out the premiere. When I got there, the movie theatre had a ticket line that wrapped around the corner one block back with TV camera crews up front, limos and actors everywhere. After finally getting my ticket, who do i bump into (literarily) but that dude from the morning show Mr.Cute West Coast/East Coast actor. I have to tell you I was a bit star struck. Some actors just have this "out of reach, but I've got to talk to you" intensity, Mr. Alonso, Marc Lassise and female lead Jacky Reyres sported this "out of reach" Hollywood thing, with or without their knowledge. "Fear Of Clowns II" has all the making of a great horror/suspense independent that will be well received, everywhere. Quick, calculated and sharp to the point. Director Kevin Kangas definitely took all the hard critiques from the first clowns film and used it to say "**** you" to all those so called critics and jealous little film makers. This part II flowed. In fact you wanted to see more. Sitting in the audience I noticed that not one single person got up for popcorn, bathroom or smoke break. All eyes glued to the silver screen. The score was fantastic, sounded like anything you'd expect from a prime time series or heavy budget film. The sets and locations were as creepy as the characters. A great ensemble of some recognized names and unknowns. Really love "Shivers" Marc Lassise' character. Not much dialogue for him in this film, but his silent acting spoke at loud decibles. Jacky Reyres not only a beauty, but brains and brawn. The other lead Detective Peters was good up to a point. A little contrived, but solid in his choices, stayed the course. Great look, but a strong look doesn't filter out "eh" acting choices. My favorite pick of the day is character "Ralph" played by actor Johnny Alonso. A strong supporting role excellent casting next to Shivers the clown. A solid actor, his intense, nervous, hyper acting reminded me of Steve Buscemi in "Reservois Dogs." Alonso's character became one that everyone quietly rooted for. The writing by Kangas was clear and precise, right to the point. The camera work was exceptional, nice trick shots that added to the intensity of this picture. The film quality and lighting at times (mainly in the beginning of the film) were a little dark, but this could be fixed in "post/post" :) The clowns were creepy - 3 different personalities. 3 Id never want to encounter in a dark basement or in a corn field... ever. The lake stuff reminded me of "Camp Blood" from Friday the 13th. Nice added touch. Some of the special hit men were annoying, no; they all were annoying. They played way too close to the typical choices undergrad actors make. Also, the burning car footage was too long of a focus. Big deal guys, haven't you ever seen a burning car before? Just go to Compton after 1am on any given night! But hey, something's got to give in such a cool indie movie.And I'm sure these were minor things that were over looked by the rest of the audience. The film was top notch. Kangas has a put together a money making, hard hitting, enjoyable to watch movie. Looking forward to buying a DVD copy in the very near future. Maybe I can get Mr. West Coast/East Coast to autograph it for me. 10 stars to Kevin Kangas and company. Fear Of Clowns II is fantastic!
BeauJones I was able to attend the premiere in Baltimore a few weeks ago. It was fun to meet some of the cast and see them milling around in the lobby after seeing them up on the big screen. What was especially cool was having a chance to talk to Frank Lama for a few minutes after the show. He was really gracious and modest about his performance in the film and even let us snap a few photos with him before jumping into a limo to attend an after party. I hope lots of people see Fear of Clowns 2 for Lama's performance, which I thought was incredible. I could definitely see him on TV or in bigger budget movies, which is not always the case with actors in low budget feature films. He played Peters with humor and intelligence -- awkwardly bumbling when he tried to make a human connection with the clown artist Lynn but cool and tough when he tangled with the clowns. Peters was a very believable and likable character, which is saying something in a movie with three killer clowns! I hope to see Lama in other films that showcase his obvious abilities.