Fearless Fighters

1971 "Kung Fu Masters! Devil Weapons! The Ultimate in Martial Arts!"
6| 1h30m| R| en

When To Pa, a member of the prestigious Eagle Claw Clan, commands his followers to carry out a mutinous robbery against the Almighty Imperial Lightning Whip, the victim's children are shaken by his disloyalty. With the help of one of To Pa's former minions, who's grown disillusioned with his leader's unconscionable actions, they organize a battle to avenge their father.


Producted By

Sun Wah Motion Picture Company


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Also starring Cheung Ching-Ching


KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Leofwine_draca FEARLESS FIGHTERS is a 1971 wuxia epic clearly indebted to the likes of A TOUCH OF ZEN and DRAGON INN. It features a sprawling tableau of characters who spend the film forming alliances, betraying each other, and fighting. There's a heck of a lot of fighting, enough to fill the entire movie from beginning to end, and for a film shot in Taiwan this looks very impressive: colourful, sun-drenched, utilising a good quarry setting for many of the running battles, and with some bloody effects and weapon play too.The film was produced by the Sun Wah Motion Picture Company. IMDb has little info about them but they do a good job of rivalling the bigger Shaw Brothers studio here. I didn't recognise any of the cast and crew but nobody really puts a foot wrong. Some viewers may call for a little more story to go with the endless fight scenes, but I was happy enough to kick back and enjoy the above-average combat.Various plot ingredients include: a weird 'zombie style' of fighting; disabled fights; lost limbs; a villainous 'devil ripper' bladed weapon; poisoning; white haired masters; sword breaking; lost limbs; a whip fighter; lots of flying and impossible jumps; and various swords and containers shoved into the mouths of sinister henchmen. It's well shot throughout and while it might not be a classic, FEARLESS FIGHTERS is certainly an involved and entertaining film.
MartinHafer It takes a special sort of person to watch these older Hong Kong martial arts films, as the average person will no doubt watch them and laugh themselves silly at the stupid physics, silly plots and hapless dubbing. But if you are like me, you'll consider the cheesiness as all part of the film's charm and understand that this is all part of the genre. In this light, this is a slightly better than average film. Just try to ignore the silly special effects with involve flying heroes, explosions, exploding golden Frisbees, people catching arrows in flight and throwing them back and killing the shooters and many other impossible tasks.The film is about a fight within a family clan. One member is evil but claims that he is seeking a man with a whip to get revenge--while what he REALLY wants is to murder him and steal a government gold shipment. A fellow clan member, Lei Peng, urges him to abandon his revenge--and he later realizes that it isn't about revenge after all. When this happens, he takes the gold himself and plans on returning it to the government. In the meantime, the evil dude and his toadies attack and murder all of Lei Peng's family.Later, the guy with the whip's children seek to kill Lei Peng--thinking he was the one who murdered their father and stole the gold. But, since they want the gold, they pretend to want to help Li Po to find out where it's hidden. In addition, a lady in white joins their merry gang. The four of them eventually have a major showdown (after they realize Li Po is a good guy) and the action and silly special effects reach a very strange and odd conclusion when Li Po seemingly arises from the dead to beat the baddie and his evil henchmen.Despite the silliness of the plot, this is a pretty good film with decent fight scenes--it won't lose your interest if you are a fan of these fantasy films. Plus, there are some really dopey moments that are so unintentionally funny that I loved them, such as when one man said "If I lose, I will cut off my own head"--huh?!
caycefuture One guy asked in his review of 'Ninja killer', Who is that cop guy? That's Cuneyt Arkin my friend, Thurkeys answer to 70's Kung-Fu. In this film he kicks oriental butt, Istanbul style http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0035067/ However, take note this protagonist is not credited anywhere in the films listings. The guy gets girls on horseback, knocks people off roofs, and holds a grin to the last inch of celluloid for what? No mention whatsoever? Not even by IMDb. Come on guys seriously. Anyway thats Cuneyet Arkin C.U.N.E.Y.T A.R.K.I.N. Movie any good? Maybe. Maybe you want to steer the cheek a few hundred degrees and get kicked by another Kung-Fu flick. Free will huh? Ain't it marvelous. Perhaps I like this movie because I am a Turk. To me it's like gold. The rooftop fight is sped up to Benny Hill proportions. It can make you laugh so don't be afraid to live a little. Have you seen 'Bloodsport'? Then you'll know the guy with the huge pecs, he's Bolo Yeaung. Here a complete prat. A whimpish coward with crap Kunf-Fu check him out. He gave Van-damn a hard time more than once. Nostalgia with 70's flavour. Bruce Lee wannabes get slapped sideways like extras from enter the Turk. Punishment is adjudicated by a Turkish waiter type with more than cheese. Feel free.
tlweschler Maybe this flick in this style didn't get it's just do in the distribution network back in the day. If it had I am sure the above headline would not be written as it was ... this movie may have saved the genre! Today the style is revered by all who see and understand that 'fun-in-flick' no seriousness allowed kinda movie. Maybe a headline in Variety back in '72 would have stated: 'Flying Kung Fu With Women As Masters Too!' I didn't see any mistakes worth mentioning as the whole movie was a 'not-mistake' a phrase my high school students, who taught it to me will understand. The story was well spent on the screen in a currency rare indeed, the action was so massively overdone it seemed like the people who made it must have influenced the modern 'flying masters' of this era.

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