Feeding Grounds

2006 "Friends till the end... The very end."
2.5| 1h22m| NR| en

A young group of friends head out to a cabin in the desert. Something has landed in the desert and it needs to eat...


Producted By

Brain Damage Films


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StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Paul Magne Haakonsen ...but director Junior Bonner just didn't manage to fully utilize the full potential and turn "Feeding Grounds" into a properly entertaining movie. The movie dragged on at an excruciatingly slow pace and very little happened to liven up the movie or bring it into a proper pace.The whole unknown supernatural thing that was going on in the desert and changing people was interesting, but it was savagely cut down by bad direction and with a myriad of one-dimensional characters that you never rooted for or formed any kind of bond with.I am sure that the actors and actresses were giving it their best performance, but they were badly hindered by a lack of detailed character gallery and everyone were essentially just playing one and the same character.There weren't all that many special effects throughout the movie, but what was there was alright and served their purpose well enough.However, for a horror movie then "Feeding Grounds" just didn't stand out or leave a lasting impression in the genre. If you enjoy horror movies, then there are far better movies available worthy of your time and money.
Deep-Thought A motley group of young people head for a remote desert cabin where they plan to kick back for a couple of days, which means drinking even more, and using even more drugs, than they're consuming before they get to the cabin; and where the guys plan to put the move on the girls, except, of course, for the clearly defined sharp-tongued Plain Jane. Naturally, something hungry is lurking out there in the desert; something that makes an awful lot of noise chewing and swallowing.The average episode of SpongeBob Squarepants has better writing and acting, and more depth and complexity, than this dreck. It's as if the cast, director and crew who are making this movie are out there only as an excuse to do for real BEHIND the camera what the actors are pretending to be doing in FRONT of the camera: namely, cursing, drinking cheap booze, and taking a variety of drugs, while the guys haplessly strut about putting the moves on the girls, who act suitably coy, until they get tired of acting coy, and so of course suffer the usual fate of pretty young women in movies like this, which is to be devoured a minute or two after foreplay has started. (Actually, calling them "actors" is being generous.) The filmmakers did themselves and their film no favors by naming their production company Brain Damage Films.Actually, now that I come to think about it, this dismal dog of a flick has improved my life, because watching it, I had to confront the question of whether I really, truly, absolutely, positively have nothing better to do with my time than to watch drivel like this.
Clinton Rushing If I could give this a -1, we would be in the ballpark. First review for a movie online ever. It was very special indeed. Please for the love of all that is holy, if you like horror, b horror, bad movies ala mystery science theater do yourself a favor and save yourself the time. A few of the women were mildly attractive, other than that, absolutely no redeeming qualities what so ever.All of the other reviews I've seen say something positive about the "film", which is why I had to write this. The acting was non-existent. As was the cinematography and special effects. I'm at a loss for words as to how to describe how unbelievably cheated I feel of my time here.and you are welcome. Have a great day, hope you got to this before watching the movie, provided you could sit through it.
Rabh17 This is a small production with unknown actors that focused on making a desert stalking thriller movie.The plot is a well known Monster movie trope. Young friends on a road trip take a wrong turn, this time across a particular stretch of desert. . .and run into an unknown terror that picks them off. I call it a 'Monster Stalker' because the focus of the plot isn't the Monster, it's how the STALKING affects the Victims.First plus-- the group of friends are just that-- a group of friends. Not College Students. Not Spoiled Rich kids. Just ordinary people.Second plus-- some may look at the acting and think--"Oh this is gawd-awful". But look again: They are portraying their characters to the letter. A bunch of normal guys who are friends with the usual personal issues. A young ladies with aspirations for the future. None of it really overplayed. I especially give a star to the young lady playing the whiney pink girl: You are ANNOYED at her, not because you're saying 'Oh corny cliché', you're annoyed because she IS the 'Scared Whiney girl'. And the other women characters are varied-- but not the usual stupid teen slasher characters. You can empathize with them.Third Plus-- The Monster, or monsters (plural), is NEVER revealed. You glimpse hints, movements and gruesome gobbets. All nicely placed. Keep an eye out-- they are quick and simple-- but they arouse goosebumps all the same. And I have an itchy sense that the Monster is not just a single thing-- the attacks begins with a bite from something else, something small and insecty. Ewww! And there are the ominous abandoned cars on the roadside. This production doesn't bust the bucket with a guy in a rubber suit. Instead, you are left with your imagination, which is fueled by the growing realistic desperation of the people in the cars as they run out of gas. Then water. And no-one comes to help.Try this movie out on a Saturday night-- this one a is Mondo Horror treat.

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