Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

2006 "Is it for the children, for a memory, or for himself?"
7.1| 1h41m| PG-13| en

Two years have passed since the final battle with Sephiroth. Though Midgar, city of mako, city of prosperity, has been reduced to ruins, its people slowly but steadily walk the road to reconstruction. However, a mysterious illness called Geostigma torments them. With no cure in sight, it brings death to the afflicted, one after another, robbing the people of their fledgling hope.


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Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
lanettediax If you want to see a movie with exceptional over-the-top, beautifully crafted computer animated characters and gravity defying fight scenes: FFVII: Advent Children is it!! The plot could have been explained a bit more thoroughly throughout the movie, but it does deliver the basics, which is enough to get an idea of the main idea. Questionably, the movie wanted us to believe that the 3 male villains are "young and violent," as described by Rufus Shinra speaking to Cloud, however, I thought the villains were very likeable and in some ways adorable. For example, Kadaj could have killed Reno and Rude when he broke in to speak to Mr. Shinra. Loz could have killed Tifa after he overpowered her. Yazoo and Loz could have hurt or even killed any of the children and Yazoo and Loz could have most likely killed Reno and Rude (using their gunblades) during their battle scene in Midgar. I'm NOT saying that I would have wanted any of those scenarios to actually happen, as I really liked all of the characters and I was glad no one was hurt. In another scene, during Kadaj's death, he is crying believing the voice he hears is "Mother" and that he finally found her. Oh yeah, such a badass villain there! But my point is, if you have villains, make them truly evil. In FFVII, the writers had the guts to kill off Areith by the villain Sephiroth. No matter how cool Sephiroth is, I despise him for this very reason. Overall, this movie is beautifully crafted, with loveable character (even the villains) and humorous at times. I hope at some point, these villains are brought back (hey, why not, it's anime after all) and used again for primary antagonist or even make them protagonist for another FFVII story. This movie is definitely worth seeing! For kids, watch the original FFVII: Advent Children. For older children/adults, watch the Complete version.
erinouellette This movie is exactly what I thought it would be! The animation is great and the action sequences are awesome! I personally like the Japanese version better just because there is better flow with the dialog, I find the English voice overs don't suit the characters and in some cases the animated character is still "talking" when the voice actor has stopped, or the words spoken don't exactly match the movement of the characters mouth.Whether you are watching the Japanese or the English versions it is still a really great movie though! Highly recommend if you are a Final Fantasy fan!
Moebra Johnson Final Fantasy VII Advent Children is a sequel to the video game Final Fantasy VII. The story follows Cloud, an ex-Shinra Soldier who has to stop the three remnants of Sephiroth from gaining the Jenova Cells and becoming Sephiroth again.This movie is just pure awesome. Square Enix has always had amazing animation skills and have always amazed me with their short films for the Final Fantasy games. But this is step up from what they have done before and it is just epic. The fight scenes are fast paced and over the top, but from any action film from Japan you couldn't expect anything else. The story is engaging and the characters were likable. One could complain about how boring Cloud seems to be but people need to remember that he is meant to be a bland person. The film has a huge build up to the final battle where Sephiroth, the antagonist from both the film and video game, appearing out of no where and beating the crap out of Cloud. If you have never played the game it is best to either have someone with you who has played the game to explain things or read a synopsis of the game.
wilsonliao When i watched the movie, i just know this has to be the greatest movie of the century. Just look at cloud's eyes. You know it is so dead on. And Tifa, those assets. Wow... this is just... so... much to say.. too much in fact. the part where they all fought Bahamut together. i will never forget that scene. practically everyone was useless other than cloud. because of how useless everyone is, it showed how strong cloud is and him being the only hope in saving the entire world. that subconscious pause when Sephiroth was about to attack only shows how cloud is able to exist in another time space entirely for him to catch his breathe. you will never doubt cloud ever again if you truly watched the show. it will blow, your, mind.