Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Melanie Bouvet
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Quiet Muffin
This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
In the opening scene of the film we learn that a giant comet is hurtling towards the earth; impact is inevitable and most people have fled to the high ground. One man has stayed behind and he is surprised to find that he isn't alone; there are two people in a record shop. He can't understand why they are there; who wants to buy music on the day the Earth is destroyed? The man behind the counter isn't concerned though; he is convinced that the Earth isn't doomed and more than that he is sure that an obscure punk record that nobody bought will somehow he the cause of the planet's salvation. The then see a variety of stories intertwined with the story of how the record came to be made and why there is a one minute silence in the middle of it. The stories involve a shy young man who stops his car and hears a woman being assaulted nearby, a group who foresee the end of the world and a school girl who falls asleep on a ferry, misses her stop and gets caught up in a hijacking only to be saved by a man who had just told her he had been raised to be a 'champion of Justice'.This film was a lot of fun; it successfully mixed genres so that we had moments of action, a main plot that directly referenced the film 'Armageddon', plenty of laughs and finally a nice link that explained how each of the separate stories was related. I loved how the song, which the band thought was deep and meaningful, was based on a book that was so badly translated it no longer made sense. The actors seemed to do a fine job although relying on subtitles to understand them I can't judge them as well as somebody who speaks Japanese could. The way the story skips about kept things interesting; none of the individual stories went on too long and the way we weren't shown how each ended till the end of the film kept me eager to find out what happened in each case. Overall I'd say this is well worth watching if you want to watch something rather different and don't mind subtitled films.
The fish story is indeed a punk rock song cribbed from a book by an incompetent translator who did not appreciate the significance of the English term, "Fish story." It is also a collection of seemingly diverse people loosely related to the punk rockers who cut the record. It is not at all clear what most of these people have to do with one another. All, however, is clarified in the end.I don't know that I have ever seen a movie structured in quite this way in which the actual relationships among the characters is all sorted out in a sort of coda. There is a comet that seems about to destroy the planet until it is blown up by an Indian space crew with one Japanese member, who is, of course, related to all the punk rockers in an unlikely way.The Japanese have made other films based on the "rock and roll song that saves the world," motif. I can't think of a single on from America but there must be one somewhere. The other great example that comes to mind is The 20th Century Boys III in which the hero gets to sing his song and there is a truly touching scene in which he is reunited with his niece whom he raised.There is little or nothing so touching here and there is one loose end in which the first character on the screen, a man in an electric wheel chair wanders into a record store, open for no logical reason on the day that the comet strikes, but he is simply shuffled aside at the end and really has only the role of a sort of chorus.
Fish story –Back in the 70's proto-punk band 'Gekirin' records a single album that no one buys. They split up and go their separate ways, their seminal work destined for the scrapheap of musical history until fate plays a hand in rekindling the fire of rebellion. This is not a great movie. It's not even a good movie. It's not even a bad movie; shot through with tantalising flashes of brilliance. It is a very dull movie. Scenes which should in all sanity last a few seconds are pointlessly extended to the point where even the actors look embarrassed. The dialogue is appallingly dull –I can only suppose that the editor gave the actors the stuff he cut out; so consistent is the flat, monotonous character of the script. The acting is strange – as if the actors are constantly thinking of something else -Presumably, how long till they can escape; as will the audience.I do not work for a film company I am not paid to write reviews
Sweet charming shaggy dog story about how a song saves the world from destruction. This is film that is rather impossible to describe simply except with the opening line of this review (to say more would either give too much away or require too much explanation). Beginning in the last five hours before a giant comet is set to hit earth and wipe everyone out, the film starts in a record shop (still open because "its business hours") where a discussion of punk music leads to the album and song called A Fish Story. The film then spins out telling the story of the song, the group that created it and the sequence of events, of which it is but one part, that lead to the saving of the earth and to the men standing in the record store.A frequently funny and smiling producing film this is a movie that will occasionally confuse you (you will wonder how it all ties together a mystery which remains until they reveal how it all ties together at the very end). It's a film with enough plot for five or six movies as threads are spun out and dropped once we see the relevant bits. We could have probably followed any one of them to the conclusion as well but many are just stops in the greater scheme of things.I liked this whimsical little film a great deal. My only real reservations come from my unhappiness with the over selling that the film got from the staff of Film Festival where I saw it. Many people went out of there way to tell everyone how great it was. Don't get me wrong it's a good movie, but its not quite the religious experience that at least one person inferred. Over selling or not I don't think I would have ever raved about the film. It's too rambling and too fragmented to ever be a full meal of a movie (I think some of the threads, especially the story of the band, would have been a better focus), it's really good after dinner piece of chocolate. This isn't to say that there is anything wrong with it, there isn't, its more something that you need to discover for yourself and not have handed to you with an impossible level of expectations. See the film if you get a chance, just don't worry about how it is, just know its worth your time.