Fist of Fury 1991

6.5| 1h36m| en

Lau Ching, a Mainlander with an incredibly powerful right arm, arrives in Hong Kong to find his cousin. He befriends with a drifter named Handsome, and a martial artist girl named Mandy. In order to woo her, Ching participates in a fighting competition in hopes of winning a $10 million prize, and must defeat his love rival, Wai, in the ring.


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Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
OllieSuave-007 Stephen Chow plays Lau Sing, a martial arts wannabe who takes under the wing of Master Fok Wan (Corey Yuen). But, this arouses in the jealousy of his future son-in-law, Cheng Wai (Yeung-Ming Wan), who sees his status in the household threaten and who sees his relationship between him and girlfriend Mandy (Sharla Cheung) affected.Plenty of thrilling martial acts action to see in the movie and, with Chow, a good dose of comedy and goofiness. However, his sidekick Smartie (Kenny Bee) went overboard on the goofiness and rendered the movie annoying at times. But, back to the main plot, some might find this movie funny with all the gags and suspenseful with all the action and nefarious activities by the main villain at the same time. Not a bad film overall.Grade B-
gregsie74 funnily enough for those Stephen chow fans, the best impersonation he ever did of Bruce was the one in ALL FOR THE WINNER where he punches a bloke in slow motion ( similar to fist of fury) and a towel falls on his head ( its the best visual gag of the lot). another one was in KING OF COMEDY where he is staging a fist of fury play and a girl comes to watch and applaud, taps his back to congratulate him on setting the play up, and he grabs her and throws her against the wall.So having seen these previous Bruce Lee gags in his other films, in FIST OF FURY 91 I was looking to something a bit special.Boy was I let down. I'm not sure whether its because this is one of his earlier films and his sense of comedy wasn't refined yet, and whether he tried to make up for this later by doing the above Bruce gags in the above later films ( eventually resulting in paying a serious homage to him in KUNG FU HUSTLE and its upcoming sequel)but in FIST OF FURY 91 this Bruce lee wannabe remake is a bit weak. actually hoping for something a bit better, there's not much i can remember from this film. the boxing match scene at the end is quite entertaining - the way the boxers bounce up from the ring like characters in a capcom video game are i was looking forward to some real funny imitations of Bruce lee scenes but unfortunately this one decided to have an original plot and a pretty crap one at that.all in all if you like Stephen chow, try ALL FOR THE WINNER, KING OF COMEDY, GOD OF COOKERY and of course SHAOLIN SOCCER.if you wanna see commercial big budget chow, watch KUNG FU HUSTLE,right now FIGHT BACK TO SCHOOL is playing so ill let you know how that works out.
Ka Ru Fei I think this is one of Stephen Chow's best films. Lots of great gags, good action even. I strongly recommend it. Its a typical stephen chow comedy (him trying to work it on some super attractive woman despite being a loser), but its transposed on top of the basic theme of Bruce Lee's 'Fists of Fury' (also remade by Jet Li into 'Fist of Legend').