Truly Dreadful Film
Sadly Over-hyped
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Five Corners is about a group of interconnected characters. It is well acted and interesting enough, but by no means great.John Turturro's character is the only character to give the film much substance, the death scenes other than the penguin were also quite amusing. Some of the other characters are a mess though and somewhat unfinished, I don't really see the point of it all.
The kind of film that doesn't get made anymore in Hollywood. Original story, great atmosphere, wonderful acting. A somewhat quirky but still powerful human drama. Somehow, everything just fits in this film. Given the cast, it's hard to believe it is so little known. One to be re-discovered (hopefully). 8 stars out of 10.In case you're interested in more underrated masterpieces, here's some of my
I rented the film for its elements (John Patrick Shanley, Tony Bill, obviously all of the cast members...) and I wasn't disappointed. It's not your basic thriller or even your basic offbeat ...uh...I don't know that there's a noun for this type of film. Cohen-y, quirky, but darker, less ironic...I think it falls into the 'you love it or hate it' category, like "A Box of Moonlight". Hmm. I don't think I could be less articulate about this work. How 'bout this: It's violent and funny. The performances are spot on. John Turturro is especially disturbing (as usual) as the psycho. And his mother (Rose Gregorio) is so strange and, like, aggressively out-of-it it's heartbreaking. The whole thing works so well that the ending - which does, at least for me, come as a surprise (or, rather, in that wonderful way, as a perfectly expected surprise) - is a true culmination of everything that came before. I think it's a great movie. The only reason I gave it "8" and not 10 is that I felt it was unnecessarily slow at points. But there you go. I liked Box of Moonlight.
Edgar L. Davis
Five Corners is a socially relevant film with a unique visual styleand a sense of humor. the cast is superb. Robbins, Foster andTurturro give hints as to what they would go on to accomplish astheir careers grew. Todd Graff is also awesome but seems to behaving better luck as a screenwriter and producer. The twofemales who play the glue sniffers are hilarious in roles that couldhave easily be unsympathetic. The two mothers (Chalfant andGregorios) carry their weight in smaller but no less significantroles. The two cops are straight out of the old crime dramas of the1940's and 50's. There is also a good sense of 'place' in the film. Igot a genuine feel for the neighborhood where these charactersdwelt. I have also had the pleasure of being directed by Tony Bill ina made for T.V. movie, A Chance of Snow. He's a professional. Iwish that he'd do more along the lines of Five Corners.