Flesh Eating Mothers

1988 "…They bit off more than they could chew!!!"
4.3| 1h29m| R| en

A venereal disease turns an entire town of two-timing mothers into cannibals!


Producted By

Indigo Motion Pictures


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Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
preppy-3 Simply awful film about suburban mothers who become cannibals and start eating their children...and other things.I caught this lousy movie at a theatre back in 1988. The crowd was mostly college kids (the film is unrated but a big sign outside the theatre said, "No one under 17 admitted--this means YOU!") and we were all rearing to go and enjoy a gory, stupid and fun movie. Well it was gory and VERY stupid...but no fun at all. The script was horrible, the acting lousy, the makeup (and I use that term loosely) was pathetic and it just ended up being boring and insulting. Except for some scattered laughs at some of the dialogue ("What's eating you?") the audience just sat there in stunned silence. You might want to see this just because of the title but seriously--the title is the only funny thing about this! A 1 all the way.
wrlang Flesh Eating Mothers, well what can one say. The title sounded hilarious and it was campy kind of funny with some gags and enough special effects to make a go of a horror film. Mothers get a venereal disease that turns them into flesh eating wicked looking gangs. Of course the film was made back in the day when VD was easily cured. There is not much to compliment here, but I think they were just trying to make a film with a funny theme to get people's attention. They seemed to have a lot of fun making it and I can just imagine what the outtakes would have looked like if they were included. In the end, this is a class D film.
jwilliams-bonusstage Agreed. Wretched movie, but when I first saw this movie, I was 9 years old, and this and Troll 2 totally creeped me out to no end! I kept thinking that my mom was going to eat me and stuff. Since I love milk, she still, to this day, asks me "Have you had your milk today?". I want to find this on DVD, as I'm sure it's absolutely hilarious to watch now!My only question seriously is whether Eli Roth would be up for doing a sequel or update to this film. I hate his work, personally, and Hostel was a pathetic film. Nonetheless, he's the current king of gore IMO, so it would be nice to see him give this film a much needed update for the younger crowd!
james_cocos-snowboots Flesh-Eating Mothers is a bombastic parody of the excesses of modern life. When the over-sexed mothers sit around and discuss their over-active sex lives (without their husband's participation) this movie really hits home as a commentary on modern morality in a world that has lost its teleological end as an ethical culture in which the end of life is ethical satisfaction and contentment with God and His ultimate purpose. As usual in teenage movies, the teenagers are the moral paragons while the adults struggle to live up to their example. This lesson never gets old; teenagers are shown to be more aware of the moral ramifications of immorality as they are more innocent than the parents they are railing against. This is a humorous examination of the ramifications of a world gone wrong, and a humorous one at that!! Highly recommended!!!!!