Truly Dreadful Film
Lack of good storyline.
Melanie Bouvet
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Patience Watson
One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Theo Robertson
Someone on this page has mentioned this TVM is hard to find . The fact that the plot involves a plane crashing into a skyscraper might have something to do with it but the main reason is the fact that it's total pants . Check out this sample of dialogue from one of the characters: " I've got to get grease by midnight or else I'll die " You can tell William Goldman had nothing to do with this scriptIt also says something when a TVM markets itself as having the sons of two Hollywood icons in the starring roles . Next thing you know we'll be having TVMs that hype themselves up because the stars once appeared in a crowd scene with John Wayne or Robert Mitchum
Eileen McHenry
Good, suspenseful, but faintly cheesy 70s disaster movie in which a small plane smacks into the side of a skyscraper, endangering several of the Familiar Faces Of The Movies from that era. Most of the story centers around trying to fish the crash survivors out of the plane before it can fall back out of the building and splatter on the ground below.
This movie revolves around a plane that crashed into the top of a skyscraper. Engineers try to figure out how to get the passengers off without making the plane fall. Its a real edge-of-your-seat movie if this is what you are into. It was made for TV and its hard to find today.