Flying Home

6.1| 1h36m| en

Colin, an ambitious young American businessman, has a deal with a potential client, a rich Arab sheikh who is a passionate pigeon fancier. The sheikh has tried several times to buy a champion pigeon, but the owner continues to stubbornly refuse his offer. In an attempt to gain the trust of the Sheikh, Colin offers him a deal: if he manages to convince the owner to sell the champion pigeon, the sheikh will agree to do business with Colin's company. But when Colin meets Jos, the grumpy owner of the pigeon, and Isabella, his granddaughter, he realizes that this mission will not be as easy as he had hoped.


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Also starring Charlotte De Bruyne


KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
fred freeze Anyone with knowledge of the role Pigeoneers played in WWI and the history that pigeons played in Europe from transporting news to stock market quotes before the telegraph will enjoy this movie. Movie buffs who recall the 1940 movie "A Dispatch from Reuters" know what I mean. This of course will be missed by a lot of the younger generations.The scenes of Flanders Belgium are peaceful and charming. The acting is good. Jamie Dornan looked troubled throughout the movie, not happy being the cold-hearted businessman his father created, he becomes remorseful and takes a career destructive path to redemption. Charlotte De Bruyne has that European brightness and simple hometown charm that is perfect as a sweet girl from Flanders living with her grandfather.Make sure you use the subtitles on the DVD as some of the audio is Belgian.
lapplaz I just watched this movie.I found myself binge watching The Fall and I quite enjoyed Jamie Dornan's performance there, so I decided to have a look at the rest of his work,after having watched FSOG.The movie was much better than I had expected,bearing in mind that the whole pigeon racing sounded a bit boring.It was corny I guess but again,you know that you are about to watch a romantic movie so many things can be excused I suppose.I found his performance decent and pretty acceptable and the way he coloured his characher proves that he definitely has acting skills.The photography was excellent,the rest of the cast was great as well so..If you are looking for an OK movie to spend your time and at the same time admire the looks of the main lead..there you have it!
priscillacollard With the release of Jamie Dornan's newest film i decided to do a Jamie Dornan week and go through all his body of work. From watching him as Christian Grey in "Fifty Shades of Grey" to watching him play serial Killer Paul Spector in "The Fall" Jamie Dornan can pack a punch. So when i came across this film i decided it was defiantly on the top of the list of movies staring Jamie Dornan i wanted to see and I'm glad i did.This movie was fantastic! Dornan and Charlotte De Bruyne had a chemistry that came out in their filming with one another. I wouldn't go out and say this is a romance movie since this movie focused on the connection of a man and his love for birds and Colin's(Dornan) struggle to understand the bond between owner and bird and Isabelle(De Bruyne) helps him see the man underneath the suit and helps him find the connection between not only the love of family but the love of all things. This movie is a must see for the soft hearted and yes the romantics in the world. Dornan and De Bruyne have it in this touching film. But this could just be me, I'm an Indie film lover at heart and this was my kind of movie.
Neely OHara I'm a Jamie Dornan fan - his work in BBC2's "The Fall" is superlative. I rarely would give such praise to a former underwear model (once called "the golden torso" in the New York Times when he modeled for Calvin Klein) and I don't care how lovely he is or that he is about to debut as "the epitome of male beauty" Christian Grey in "Fifty Shades of Grey". I take his performances individually (there are precious few) and this one in a relatively saccharine film about pigeon racing in Belgium of all things is uncomfortable and awkward at best.I'm not sure when it was filmed but I can hardly believe that the Jamie Dornan here is the same actor playing serial killer Paul Spector in "The Fall" (with the brilliant Gillian Anderson). *I discovered it was filmed in between Season One and Two of The Fall and by Jamie and the director's own admission came about through a lot of beer drinking, which may have been how Jamie got the job in the first place. I'm thinking such career decisions in the future should not be entrusted to a brewski.He seems so out of his element he makes me nervous watching him; as if he wants to duck down behind large pieces of furniture and pretend he is anywhere but making this pigeon film in Belgium.Maybe he needed a vacation and Belgium sounded nice? Maybe he had a break between any work whatsoever and this film and a paycheck was a good idea? Maybe when you're a former underwear model who is yet to be cast as Christian Grey, you've got to take everything that is offered to you?In "Flying Home" (or "Racing Hearts", it has two different titles), Jamie phones in a lackluster performance with line-readings that are devoid of energy, commitment, direction and interest. It's like he cannot wait to get to the end of the scene and have a beer with the crew.The script is weak, but the Belgian actors do a decent job with their lines. Jamie however is stuck in some netherworld with his clumsy-sounding, vocal fry American accent, looking pained in a suit in the New York scenes and then looking completely confused once his character is in Belgium. His soulful blue eyes dart furtively for the most part like he's looking for an escape route. He underplays a drunk scene so badly that it's difficult to tell if he is drunk or just really sleepy. Scenes where he should be amused or amusing fall terribly flat and seem embarrassingly stilted.He has one scene where he handles a pigeon which seems to be his only honest moment, you can sense a sweetness in him then, it is tender and the only time you get a glimpse of his potential as an actor that he shows in spades in "The Fall".The rest of the time he is blah and bland and has less than zero chemistry with the actress playing his love interest Isabelle. I don't buy their love story for a millisecond. The disparity in their looks is a bit jarring since Jamie is preternaturally pretty and the Flemish girl has somewhat strong features. But there is nothing going on there, not a spark, not a connection, just lines tumbled out in rote boredom.In Dornan's defense it's not a very good film, and pigeon racing isn't exactly fascinating. The addition of the World War I sub-plot and the famous war hero carrier pigeon seems like an after-thought.Furthermore at one point Jamie's character Colin says to Isabelle's grandfather that he had an ancestor who SUPPOS-ABLY died in Flanders in World War I. I cannot believe that no one caught this - not Jamie (who speaks the King's English with an Irish brogue), not the director, editor - no one? This is a high powered young business executive from New York City who thinks the word is suppos-ably and not SUPPOSEDLY? That pretty much sums up the entire experience. Sloppy, dull and even Jamie's beauty could not carry it. Handsome is as handsome does could not be more true.