For the Bible Tells Me So

7.8| 1h38m| en

An exploration of the intersection between religion and homosexuality in the U.S. and how the religious right has used its interpretation of the Bible to stigmatize the gay community.



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VisionQuest Productions


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Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Jill For the Bible Tells Me So is a documentary by Daniel G. Karslake about the conflicts in America caused by various interpretations of what the Bible says about homosexuality. I personally really enjoyed watching this film, not only was it educational but also interesting to watch. I used to have a vague idea of the issues brought up about same-sex sexuality due to different views of what the Bible says, but through watching this film I gained a much better understanding. I also got a chance to hear multiple perspectives on the topic, even though some were quite shocking. I found it especially interesting how gender inequality was brought up multiple times in the film: "The thing that frightens men about homosexuality is that they think about a man allowing himself to be treated like a woman and there's nothing worse, nothing so flying in the face of patriarchy and for a privileged man, privileged by being male rather than female to allow himself to be treated like a female. Who would want that?" and "It is the hatred of women that is the fuel of this whole thing." I believe the message of this movie needs to spread to more people and make others more accepting. This film was so powerful and I highly recommend this documentary to anyone and everyone.
Larissa Licha I am really surprised by this documentary. Since I expected it being a blunt documentary that as usual picks a side, either for the Christians or for the LGBT Community. But this documentary has shown me personally that there are two sides to Christianity about homosexuality. Me personally as Atheist, most likely sees the side of Christianity that is very close minded about the LGBT Community. This Documentary has shown me that there are also Christians, that do support and accept the LGBT Community for what it is. Most Documentaries show that both things can't go together, which definitely isn't true. I'm glad to see that some parts of Religion open their minds concerning homosexuality and it really was very touching to see that. I'm glad I watched this Documentary, since this also gave me a new perspective of the new and transformed way concerning Religion. I'm glad to see a transformation.This Documentary in my opinion is a must see, since it gives understanding to both sides, whether it is the religious side or the LGBT side. Even if I don't believe in God, I strongly do believe if I did so, I would like him to be a God that loves us for who we are, the way we are and not for what color, race, gender or in who we are interested. We live in different and changing time now and it's time to let go of the old beliefs, this documentary proofs that belief and homosexuality can go together. In the end, we're all equal.
lordsong-918-188748 A masterful piece of gay propaganda full of lies and intolerance of Christianity. Yet another movie intended to sell you homosexuality while you think you're being told the truth.This is truly an unbelievably twisted view of reality forced on the so-called "religious right" by this film.The authors should be ashamed since its clear that they're really seeking to push the radical gay agenda -under the hypocritical guise of "tolerance".What is this film really about? It's just another step in the program. It's all written out clearly in the strategic plan invented by Madsen and Kirk in their infamous marketing of homosexuality book "After the Ball is Over". And this film is clearly following the marketing strategy written therein.This film is just part a plan to SELL homosexuality to the world by standard brainwashing, propaganda techniques, Hollywood scenarios included and nicely executed to look convincing to those ignorant of the facts.The films' real goal is to trick you into believing the lie that homosexuality is somehow normal, natural, genetic, hey "born that way" while we're at it! It isn't any of that. There is no such thing as a "gay gene" and if it were natural they could reproduce amongst themselves.Haven't you been lied to enough?This film has clear purposes : 1) to sell homosexuality (pedophilia is up next on the agenda, already being called a mere "sexual orientation" to deceive the gullible)2) to black ball the whole religious world by making them look "intolerant" -a favorite term of theirs whenever criticized- ignorant and even unchristian! 3) ultimately to convert you and your kids This movie is just another step in the gay agenda and if you swallow the multitude of lies displayed therein you are as foolish as those who think that superman is real.If the whole world became "gay" tomorrow the human race would be extinct in less than a century. Avoid this shameful insult to your intelligence.
templecleaning To twist God's words and say that there is no word for HOMOSEXUAL in Greek Hebrew or Aramaic is justifying the sinful act of homosexuality. God makes it very clear that a man with a man or a woman with a woman is a detestable sin. The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION uses modern words such as homosexual.. look up the scripture Leviticus 18:22 in the New King James version: it clearly says that a "man shall not lay with a man , nor a woman with a woman, for this is an abomination".. Just because there is no ancient word for it, does not mean God approves of it... I resent the fact that because I am a Christian, I am labeled as a homophobic. You are trying to justify immoral behavior such as homosexuality or pornography.