Foreign Land

4.8| 1h34m| en

Life changed for Alejandro Reis - Alex - in just a few brief moments when he discovers that he is not an American citizen. His parents brought him across the Mexican border when he was just months old. Flora Hendricks, on the other hand is born in Missouri. She decides to run away from home. Alex finds himself deported to Mexico On a seeming parallel track, Flora is arrested for shoplifting. And put in the same deportation bus with Alex. Once on Mexican soil Alex and Flora find out quickly that they are way out of their depth. They learn quickly that Tijuana and most of the other border towns are ultra violent places that are overrun by dangerous, warring criminal factions.


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RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
callpaul A story that needs to be told and debated. Something that should be watched and considered. Who is at fault here? Who do we punish? What is the solution. Can you live your entire young life doing everything right and all of a sudden find out that you are criminal for something that you had nothing to do with? This has been talked about for years from the "Dream Act" to amnesty. Solutions have been talked about but nothing has been done. In the meantime we ruin the lives of young people that have worked hard to be who we have asked them to be but we have failed to be who they deserve. The future of any country is the success of it's youth. How can we succeed if we cast aside our best and brightest because they have no way of making things right. Watch this movie, meet one of these young people and decide where you fall on this issue.

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