Memorable, crazy movie
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Taha Avalos
The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Story: Forget Me Not starts like all good horror films with a screaming victim running from something not getting any help, leading her to return home not knowing what has happened. We fast forward a couple of years (they didn't say how many) and meet our protagonist Sandy (Schroeder) along with watching a girl who is in a coma. We also meet the generic random group of friends who all act close and are just up for partying. The group of introduced friends and Sandy recount a game they once played in the graveyard when they were younger and decide to go to the fore mentioned graveyard to play the game drunk. They are joined by a mysterious girl to play a game where they run around the graveyard until they are found or risk becoming a ghost. Yeah this sounds mad to me too. The game leads to Sandy witnessing the mystery girl jumping off a cliff before rewinding to a younger time when Sandy used to play with another friend. After that night the friends start getting picked off by the mysterious girl and for each friend that gets killed off the memory of that person is lost by everyone but Sandy. Forget Me Not does turn the slasher film on its head with certain ideas, mainly the fact only one member of the group knows the people who have been getting picked off. The unoriginal side to the story comes with the ways the characters get picked off and the over use of drugs, drink and sex. I have said it before not every teenager does drugs, is hyped up on sex and drink drives. Once you get through the many slasher side to the story we end up getting a mystery ghost story that works out nicely without shinning because it happens to late in the film because they waste too much time with the slasher side of it. (4/10)Actor ReviewCarly Schroeder: Sandy our leading lady who keeps seeing her friends vanish from the memories of the rest of the group and she has to figure out herself what is going on before losing everyone she knows. Carly really shouldn't be a leading lady. (3/10)Support Cast: Forget Me Not has the complete generic supporting cast who are all easy to tell a part with their clear motives and are all disposable. I would look at more of the performance but they are all quite bad and the characters all make the typical stupid horror decisions.Director Review: Tyler Oliver – He does try to combine the two different genre of horror but it sometimes gets pulled down by the other. (5/10)Horror: Forget Me Not because this film tries to combine the two genres the suspense never gets built up for solid scares, but the creation do come off freaky. (6/10) Thriller: Forget Me Not as you don't really care who lives or who dies you are left to not worry too much about who is next but you do want to know why. (7/10) Settings: Forget Me Not doesn't create any settings that stick around long enough to be effective to the story. (4/10) Special Effects: Forget Me Not the creation of what the dead turn into is quite freaky which makes the only solid quality in the film. (7/10) Suggestion: Forget Me Not is one for the late night TV fans out there, it doesn't have enough to suggest a must watch. (Late Night TV) Best Part: Creations of the dead. Worst Part: Most of the acting.Believability: No (0/10) Chances of Tears: No (0/10) Chances of Sequel: No Post Credits Scene: NoOscar Chances: No Budget: $1.3 Million Runtime: 1 Hour 43 Minutes Tagline: Some friendships never dieOverall: Generic Characters in Over Ambitious Story Rating 50 Check out more reviews at
Not really sure what to make of this movie. I liked it, however the acting could of been better. I still am not sure on what the ending meant... The only thing I really liked, is the story, where every time one the people died, it was like they never existed. That is about the only thing I really liked. The graphics of the ghosts are terrible. They just reminded me of something that would come out of the grudge (don't know how to spell it) or something. It's not the worst graphics ever, but it really isn't the best.Overall, worth a watch if you want to watch a low budget(ish) film! Maybe, its the sort of film you would watch if there isn't really anything else to watch!
Take a creepy nursery rhyme ala Freddy Krueger, throw in a pack of adolescent horny youth, some Asia-style broken jointed ghosties. Mix together and sprinkle with some Final Destination deaths. Add a side of cemeteries, An instant winner... not. A group of senior friends inadvertently evoke the ghost of a long forgotten girl named Angela. Soon a mysterious series of deaths occur. The memory of the murdered person is instantly erased. Except for Sandy (Carly Schroeder), who is the sole person alive to remember their names.A tired directorial execution of an idea, which really didn't convince me in the first place. The blatant formulaic approach in selling a teenage slasher story short of any real concept failed to catch attention. The prerequisite cascade of deaths fail to keep attention and the all engulfing hunch that you've seen this scene before assuredly does this movie no favours. There were a couple of sensible ideas roaming around somewhere within the wooden acting (save for a instantly appealing Cody Linley) and uninspirational heartless death scenes fail to make up for the borefest. The movie has little to no suspense throughout and basically goes from death to death in a by the numbers fashion. Anyone counting on a final payoff twist will be left aghast at how terribly the roof scene was executed.Special effects are decent, especially in regards to the ghostlies (however generic they may be), but all in all nothing worth spending time and money on given the onslaught of better movies from Asia.
Paul Celano (chelano)
I don't get films like this. They had the scare factor because when the people who die come back as demons, they are really creepy looking. Then they had an amazing story. It just fit together from the start to the end. But here is the problem. They add bimbo actors and actresses. People who just cannot act. I understand some of the girls are in there to just be eye candy. Jillian Murray is a good example since she basically plays a slut. But you would think that some of the more main characters would know how to act. This movie was basically about getting laid and oh yeah; demons. It was like you combined a really bad teen movie and an excellent horror film. I really hated the acting, but I couldn't turn off the film for the fact that the story was too good and I wanted to see the ending. So great special effects with a nice scare factor, great story, very bad acting.