Fortunes of Captain Blood

5.7| 1h31m| en

When he unwittingly sends some of his men into a trap, pirate Captain Peter Blood decides to rescue them. They've been taken prisoner by the Spanish Marquis de Riconete who is now using them as slave labor harvesting pearls from the sea.


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Mjeteconer Just perfect...
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
weezeralfalfa Despite the ending of the prior(1936) Warner film "Captain Blood", we find the Captain(Louis Hayward) has resumed his piratical ways, except that now he only attacks Spanish ships, leaving British ships alone. Most of the action supposedly occurs on or around the important island of La Hacha, governed by the Marquis de Roconte(George Macready). He keeps a gang of slaves busy diving for pearls, which the island is famous for. Coming upon this island, Blood sends a party ashore to get provisions. But they are surprised by a gang lead by the slave trader George Fairfax,(Lowell Gilmore) and sold to the Marquis. But the Marquis also wants to capture Blood, to win the 50,000 pieces of eight offered by King Charles II of Spain)Curt Bois).......Blood devises a plan of disguise as a fruit peddler, in the main town, across the island ,to hopefully find his way into the dungeon where his men are kept. He makes the acquaintance of the Marquis's ethereal niece, Isabolita(Patricia Medina), who is plotting with George Fairfax to leave the island for Spain, as she fins the island too boring. Blood also meets the cute, very flirtaceous, tavern wench: Pepita(Diana Drake). Fortunately, he encounters her various times during the film. For me, she is the best thing about this film! She also is the girlfriend of Carmilla: overseer of the slaves. In this capacity, she is useful to Blood toward freeing his men, which happens in an unlikely swordfight with the dungeon guards......Blood eventually returns to his ship with his freed crew. But his ship is soon fired upon by the Marquis's bigger warship, and rendered helpless. By some unbelievable sneaky maneuvering Blood and his crew abandon their ship, go to shore briefly, then head for the Marquis's ship, after the Marquis and some crew leave his ship for the crippled ship, believing Blood is still there.(This should have taken place at night, to make it more believable). Blood then finishes off his ship with some cannot fire, the Marquis escaping injury. The Marquis is allowed to come aboard his ship with a few men. He agrees to release the other slaves in exchange for his life. Later, the wench Pepita and the lady Isabelita come aboard separately, to kiss Blood goodbye, as he is about to sail for other parts of the Caribbean, with his new superior ship.......Note that , historically, La Hacha wasn't an island, but rather a port city on the Columbian coast. Like the fictional island, it was famous for its many high quality pearls.......See this B&W film at YouTube.
vitaleralphlouis Louis Hayward stars in this tale of Captain Blood, not a remake of the Errol Flynn movie, but an altogether separate story with the same fictional hero. This involves an episode where Blood has to free six of his men who were captured and enslaved as pearl fishermen -- a lethal line of work considering the sharks. Under the able direction of Gordon Douglas this movie was far better than you'd expect -- actually much better than the cocaine-inspired junk they make in 2008. Now in DVD.In 1950, good adventure movies were commonplace, so this movie was given some extra hype by Columbia Pictures pairing it double feature with "Beauty on Parade" a semi-sexy saga about beauty contests and how the girls get abused. Odd that I'd remember this second feature after 58 years; not on DVD, cable, or anywhere.
dbborroughs Mostly landlocked follow up to the Errol Flynn movie and based on another novel in the series concerns Louis Hayward trying to rescue a number of his crew who have been captured by an evil governor and forced into slavery as pearl divers. Most of the film has Hayward disguised as a fruit merchant attempting to get information that will help him free his men...while flirting with several women and fighting off bad men.A mindless swashbuckler this is perfect Sunday afternoon fare, far from taxing it will simply put you into a place far away from all your troubles.7 out of 10
Neil Doyle FORTUNES OF CAPTAIN BLOOD never rises above being a pedestrian take on the Captain Blood legend originated by Rafael Sabatini in his immortal pirate tale, CAPTAIN BLOOD.This is strictly secondary stuff, with LOUIS HAYWARD as the doctor turned pirate on the high seas. He's competent in the swashbuckling role rather than charismatic--and there lies the difference between him and Flynn. At times, he seems almost bored with his role.DONA DRAKE does nicely enough as a peasant girl who flirts with Captain Blood (while he's assuming the name of Pedro), and PATRICIA MEDINA is equally at home in her role as a headstrong aristocratic lady. LOWELL GILMORE and GEORGE MACREADY are likewise competent as the rather villainous men interested only in pearls and wealth--but the story and its characters barely rise above the routine in a lifeless pirate tale.ALFONSO BEDOYA at least furnishes a bit of sly humor as the prison overseer hoodwinked by Captain Blood (he was the man with the famous line about "We don't need no stinkin' badges" from TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE).But the saga only really comes to life during the last half-hour, and then it's standard pirate swordplay and cannon fire until the predictable happy ending finds Captain Blood and the aristocratic lady sharing a kiss before the fadeout.Summing up: Standard pirate tale with only occasional flashes of lively swordplay. As for Hayward, he was much better as "The Man in the Iron Mask".