Found Footage 3D

2016 "A New Dimension in Terror"
5.3| 1h41m| en

A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.


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Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
GazerRise Fantastic!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
carbonebrendan The title says it all. There is no need for a 3D found footage movie and this movie showed exactly why. Lousy ending jumpscare put the cherry on top of a straight to dvd movie.
Sam Found Footage 3D is not the worst found footage I've ever see, I dislike for example, Paranormal Activity much more, I dislike most/almost all of found footage films.. At least, here, they are self-aware and I liked that about the movie. And for me, the questions or the answer to these questions, "Why are you filming" and "Why are you keep filming when the crap hits the fan" makes a bit more sense than the usual found footage garbage. It reminded me of a horror game, with a camera, years back, some may know what I'm talking about.. Let's just say, I was pleasantly surprised with this movie, not to get total crap, as I was expecting. Not bad, but still far from very good. 5/10
WisdomsHammer Watch Jerky McJerkface fumble his way through making a movie he hasn't even finished the script for. He figures "winging it" will be fine, I mean, how stupid are people who watch this crap anyway? (Yes, this guy is such a jerk that no one is safe from his abuse or insults, not even the audience.) Add his ex to the cast to make things really awkward. Watch a lot of character development that makes you care LESS about the characters and when you want the movie to get on with it already, watch each character interviewed at length! Watch every inch of the screen for anything even remotely interesting to happen. Did you just see those couple of pixels get blurry for a second?? Oooh, spooky! Watch as the vague things that don't look like anything are pointed out as something interesting. Watch a cast member get hit with a shovel without anyone trying to figure out how that even happened! (Okay, that was pretty hilarious.) Watch the crew get so fed up that they quit, one by one, without any way of leaving. And if you're still watching when things start to get interesting, try to figure out what the whimpering, whispering cast is saying without subtitles. Not that it really matters... The dialogue is pretty bad. Also, as a disclaimer, I did not watch this in 3D. I really don't think that matters either. Not even in the shovel scene. I like found footage movies that are worth a damn. This one isn't.
derekjager I saw the 2D version but any film must be told by the story, not the 3D gimmick.The cast is fine, the acting is fine. The problem is there is really no script. While everyone talks about making a GREAT FF film, they have no original idea. The script/story takes place in a cabin. Um, what? They think filming in 3D will make all the difference...but there is ZERO effort on their part to use the silly 3D gimmicks. You never hear or see them trying to make 3D scenes; throwing or poking stuff at the camera. It's so odd because that would have been fun/funny to see.Instead, there is some bad, splotchy CGI of a black ink stain wandering around. There is no backstory every given about this particular haunted cabin other than a guy killed his wife and left the body in the lake...or was that in the script? Regardless, it's never mentioned again, no watery ghost, etc.So we're left with them shooting scenes from a movie that has no plot we're able to follow, accidents happen that...are not explained or talked about much. Why does a shovel fall on a cast member? Why does one women get bloody scratch marks on her arm? Why do they go out drinking at a bar and when they return home and find some things "wrong" in the cabin? These are ll tropes used in FF films--and basic horror films--so it's clear they didn't even TRY to shake things up. The climax also is just what we expect, running in the woods in the dark, a final lunge at the camera by the monster.Because the acting is fine, I was engaged the first 40 mins but then sensed that was it; the premise was set up but they weren't going to do anything but make the same old same old FF film. Which is fine--I like them, but if you're going to boast about making some new and different, that deliver. Or at least try to. Beginning with the title.