Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Unbearable to watch if you've read the book and vastly inferior to the classic David Lynch movie.
I won't describe how this adaptation betrays the book time after time, not so much in terms of the action, but in terms of the characters -- hardly any is recognizable. After all, many may watch the series who have not read the book.
I will say a few things about the differences between David Lynch's flawed masterpiece (1984) and this adaptation: the acting, the cinematography, and the technology.
The actors are all vastly inferior to those in the 1984 movie, even Paul Atreides, who was the main failure in David Lynch' movie. Baron Harkonnen is supposed to be gross (he is certainly is in both versions), but also smart and sinister -- the 2000 version is just gross. His nephew Feyd Rautha is supposed to be handsome, courtly, but deeply twisted, though lacking his uncle's brains and craftiness; Sting was a perfect Feyd Rautha in the Lynch movie; this one is just giong through the moves, but leaves no lasting impression. Jessica is both a mother, an accomplished politician and administrator, and a viciously effective warrior, but here she has all the charm and presence of a pouting teenager, whereas she was just about perfect in the Lynch movie. The list goes on and on -- the imperial ecologist was a stunning, if somewhat ephemeral presence in the Lynch version, but is another forgettable character here.
The Lynch version suffered at the hands of the producer, but Lynch is one of the great directors and the cinematography is stunning. The three planets (Harkonnen, Atreides, and Dune) are magnificently rendered and the sandworms on Dune have to be seen to be believed, this in spite of much more primitive movie technology in 1984. (This is another of my complaints: the special effects and background scenery in this 2000 version are laughably bad -- no realism, but no poetry and inspiration either; they do not convey any sense of space, harshness or fertility, menace or pollution; they just look like 1950ss B-movie painted backdrops.) This 2000 version has no imagination and no artistry; it provides more details (e.g., the face masks are lovingly detailed) , but they add nothing -- just like the much longer running time of the three episodes (compared to the relatively short Lynch movie) covers much more ground, but does not tell the story nearly as well.
I'll take the flawed gem over the plodding, unimaginative, literal new version any time, for better storytelling, for infinitely better casting and scenery, and for overall artistry.
slothaddams the Effects Director's inability to convincingly convey the sense of SCALE to the sets, even w/ a fair CG budget. Dune is a BIG story, and nothing ever seemed very BIG, even the locales. The fortress at Arrakeen, the Harkonnen Stadium on G Prime, even the damn WORMS, just never seemed to convince me of their Amazing Size. Admittedly, not an easy task, but still, some effort could have been made. Some of the dialogue was a little stiff, and Baron H was a little too charming, but yes, a better effort than the Lynch attempt. Put the Ghost In The Shell team on it and give them a three-year contract. That'll get you a good adaptation. 8.5/10
I came into this with mild expectations, having seen Lynch's Dune and then reading the entire book series. Needless to say I was disappointed at best.Paul is unrecognizable in this series, gone is the noble yet immature Atreides. Instead we have a spoiled, impudent brat. They insert pointless dialogue which never occurs in the books or movie for the sake of comic relief supposedly, something which detracts from the high-stakes nature of this epic. Unforgivably they also cut crucial sections out of the production (struggle in the ornathopter after Leto's death) and replace it with an ornathopter chase! The re-unification of Paul and Gerney is also woefully unemotional contrasted with Lynch's rendition.TL;DR: Unnecessary additions, criminal subtractions, bad acting/casting (outside of the Baron and perhaps Irulan), action-movie-esque kitsch, gawdy set design, cringeworthy CGI.Unless you are a die-hard Dune connoisseur avoid this mini-series. Watch the director's cut of Lynch's Dune and Children of Dune but avoid this miserable rendition like the plague.
"So that was Dune." Henry said with a wry smile. Halfway through the movie they had started a game of backgammon and followed the series in a half hearted way. Then they had enjoyed a Chinese- Indonesian take out diner. Kristl had suggested to order it as it was her time to cook and she had given up on cooking some years ago because she her interpretation of a meal seemed to differ from the tastes of others. Kristl nodded. "It was funny. I mean it almost looked like the movie of Lynch, but with lesser actors, lame dialog and fake landscapes. It was funny but because there is already a movie the series seems a bit superfluous.""Yes.. it is." Kristl said."But we watched it." Henry said."Some movies are very nice as background imagery. You just can follow the whole thing even if you fail to see parts of it. Dune is like that." Kristl nodded."So what is this?" Henry pointed at a white plastic container."It is called babi pangang. Just eat it. I'll mention what was in it after wards.""Not something like monkey flesh or insect bodies?" Henry shuddered."No, it's mundane." Kristl shook her head."Anyway, what was your favorite scene?" Henry asked."Not so much a scene.. more I found the clothes the princess was dressed in pretty. She had the proper figure for these fashion dresses. Same with the emperor. So it's not a particular scene, but more how they were dressed.""Strange to hear that from you. I would not have figured looks were something that interested you." Henry looked Kristl up and down. What he saw was a woman in her mid forties wearing fade jeans trouser, heavy combat boots and a leather jacket that resembled one of those that were the fashion in the eights. Kristl, so Henry thought, has never gone beyond the punk of the eighties.. Fashion wise she was frozen or retro, because everything became retro after a while."The fact I look like left over punker from the eighties, does not mean I have no eye for beauty and fashion. I can not wear it, but I can enjoy looking at it." Kristl laughed, "But what was your memorable scene?""The moment the Harkonnen baron was poisoned by that little girl. It was funny to see the surprised look on his face." Henry laughed and then made gargled sounds. "It is interesting you mention a girl doing that. Because I was not really impressed with the story and specifically with the role of women in the movie.""Ah. Not impressed means usually that you were offended.""That is a good description. The women in the movie have about two roles. Women either are helpless creatures good for breeding or they are backstabbing schemers not above sleeping with someone just to gain an advancement.""Ah.""So, no I was not impressed by the whole. But how did you like the story, Henry?" Kristl said "It was okay, nothing remarkable. I liked the idea of the spice. If I am correct that spice is important because space travel over vast distances at great speed can only be accomplished by using spice because it allows you to see into the future. That is something I remember. It is actually not really mentioned in that series, only that without it you can't travel in space. What do you think?""I think that if the story of the books resembles that of the movie in general outlook then it is a tacky badly written story. Let's take the overall idea: there is an emperor that for reasons unknown puts the noble house Atreides in charge of the single most important planet in the universe, yet he fears the growing influence of those same Atreides to the point that he helps the Harkonnen in regaining the planet through bloody murder and open warfare. What is even more surprising is that the influence and respect that the Atreides have among the houses seems not to translate itself into any noticeable form of power. And then this whole Harkonnen plot is visibly condoned by the emperor and secretly supported by him, but that does not seem to have any repercussion for him or for the Harkonnen. Everything is contrived and would not work in reality. And while I can accept a certainly liberty for a story, it remains reality that determines what is likely to work or not. Fantasy, however pushed it its limits, is limited by reality.""But everything is just unbelievable. The good guys are very good and the bad guys are very bad. And then these fremen are so nonsensical with their system of killing each other of to establish a ruler. It is utter nonsense because no system like that can work. There has never been a society like that because such a society would rip itself apart and the fact that someone is good in fighting does not mean that he(it is always a he) is also good in making decisions or in any other skill that you require to lead a community. Therefore it is overall a badly written nonsensical story.""Hmm.. Lucky it is just a story." Henry said"Yes, it is.""And this series is just superfluous?""Yes, you can watch the movie instead.. it is a lot shorter and better acted and so on and as nonsensical as this series. ""Hah"