Freaky Deaky

2012 "Crime is such a trippy thing"
5.7| 1h30m| R| en

Set in 1974, a pair of '60s radicals rely on their bomb-making skills on their way to becoming capitalists.


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Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Martin Onassis The movie is set in the 1970s, but there are lots of errors in the props and locations. ITs clear there was no art direction budget to speak OK. There are the requisite TV shots of Richard Nixon and opening credits with the assassinations of the late 60s - Cliché! THe score is very stock.The movie is really an example of what not to do directing a film. The movie executes mostly professionally on a technical level, but the direction of the actors is either ignored or rushed, so the end impression is a movie that plods and builds no tension nor environment. Plus I guess the film is supposed to be a comedy of sorts. I guess there is some sort of interwoven character plot, but I can't follow it, and there is a gaping lack of any credible villain.Andy Dick's performance isn't a comeback, but proof he shouldn't be hired, not that his character is given much direction. Christian Slater is also still annoying, and I hoped that his less-cool character would make him more watchable, but it didn't. He's still doing the same old tired rebel/wild off shtick he can't pull off.MIchael Jai White looks like he's floundering a bit. Crispin Glover is wasted in a ludicrous costume that detracts from every scene he's in.The cop lead is the only one who really holds any credibility. The actresses are attractive and clichés as well. The underwear shots are gratuitous in the way that makes you think the director is paying more attention to them than the rest of his film.After an opening when you think it will be a cool underground film, it starts to bore. Slater and Dick wear so thin as to be unwatchable. Other character actors look like they are waiting for direction or slipping out of character.The film is really so very boring and pointless, and there is no tension, no interest in what is going to happen, nothing. It's a real example of how to make a truly non-compelling film.
Will Merrett I once again must ask who I must speak to to get my latest wild imaginings put on film as this is a sure sign that they will make just about any piece of garbage into a film. Elmore Leonard (RIP) has some great works out there and some of the film adaptations of his work have been fine films. Unfortunately Freaky Deaky by Charles Matthau is not to be listed among that group. Christian Slater is a fine actor and brings something great to each role he plays as well as does Crispin Glover, who is the poster boy for edgy character. The biggest mistake the producers made in this film was casting Beanne Racano in a role. She brings new meaning to the term "wooden delivery". Wow, what a stick she is. This women should never be allowed near a script again.If she didn't look like she does and had to audition for the role based on talent, well...... I could not finish watching this film.
giallopudding I wanted to like this film. I love Elmore Leonard novels, and loved Get Shorty, 52 Pickup, Get Straight and Jackie Brown (Rum Punch). In the hands of a master like Tarantino, Elmore Leonard's complex and fast-paced plots, with numerous characters throwing witty street banter around, really shine.Unfortunately, Charles Mattheau isn't up to the task, and characters are miscast, pacing is awful, even the score is wrong in so many places. This film often comes off as a bad TV tongue-in-cheek crime show, complete with dramatic musical flourishes when the camera zooms in on the sexy legs of actresses Sabina Gadeki and Breanne Racano. (Their legs and other beautiful body parts are the best things about these mediocre actresses, in my opinion). The explosion scenes are evidence of a severe shortage in the sfx budget as well as the actor budget.Even the usually outstanding Crispin Glover as the spacey drunken rich guy Woody Ricks is tepid, either overacting scenes or underacting them. Everything seems out of sync in this film.Perhaps I'm holding it up to too high of a standard with the aforementioned Leonard film adaptations. But it is what it is...and cool 70's sets and apparel (the novel was set in the 60s), witty Leonard dialog and clever plot apparently weren't enough for director Mattheau to pull this off. I have to believe Elmore Leonard is supremely disappointed in this effort, since as I recall he labeled this his favorite novel. One can only hope that someday a director like Tarantino remakes this film the right way, and captures the crazy 60's vibe from the novel.
rgblakey Writer Elmore Leonard has delivered some interesting characters over the years, but up until now it was really only Quentin Tarantino's Jackie Brown and Barry Sonnenfield's Get Shorty that really successfully brought them to life. The latest attempt to bring another Leonard novel to life comes in the form of Freaky Deaky featuring a great cast including Christian Slater, Crispin Glover, Billy Burke, Michael Jai White, Bill Duke and Andy Dick, but does it deliver the strange and unique qualities needed to bring his characters and world to life? Freaky Deaky follows an ex-bomb squad officer who is thrust into an investigation filled with rape, revenge, and explosives during circa 1974. At first this film feels like its going to be a complete mess, but then something happens and it sucks you right into this ridiculous world. This is mostly due to the creative and interesting characters that populate this 1970's universe. As the story moves forward each character is seemingly given their own time to shine to help bring this quirky dark comedy to life. The story is a bit all over the place, but works fairly well to due to these quirky strange characters and the bizarre story they are thrust into.This is far from a perfect movie and there are some moments that just seem out of place or forced, but for the most part it works pretty well. If you are a fan of any of the other Leonard films then you will most likely enjoy this one as well as it comes across s thought it's the same universe. If nothing else, the strange relationship between Michael Jai White and Crispin Glover's characters is worth this whole move.