Freddy Got Fingered

2001 "This time you can't change the channel."
4.7| 1h27m| R| en

Unemployed cartoonist Gord Brody moves back in with his parents Jim and Julie and younger brother Freddy. When his parents demand he leave, he retaliates by spreading rumors that Jim is sexually abusing Freddy.


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Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Michael Chantiri A film that is equal parts satirical, meta, stupid, fantastic, terrible, smart, funny, mind numbing and disturbing. 'Freddie Got Fingered' is a film that a lot of people hate for good reason but for me I personally can't relate. The film doesn't care if your disturbed, it just keeps assaulting you with goofy situation after situation and I can't help but laugh over the absurdity of it all. It obvious that Tom Green intentionally wanted to make a film that made fun of the conventions of gross out comedy and I think he succeeded.Tom put anything he desired on screen and it's equal parts mesmerizing and disturbing. The fact that they let him put all these uncomfortable things on screen just elevates the film to the most unique comedy I have seen in the gross out genre. There are various tropes here that I've seen in other comedy films that are made fun of. Everything is so extreme that Tom creates his own style of humor that wouldn't of been possible with more studio interference. While the film does excel at shocking there are a lot of genuinely good scenes throughout the film. While Gordy is unlikable he is very engaging for me and Tom Green really portrayed him well. The twisted take on the 'underdog' character was really refreshing to see, Rip Torn gives a memorable performance throughout, the scenes with Tom Green and Anthony Michael Hall are hilarious and show great chemistry, Gordy's relationship with Betty while extremely bizarre kind of had an earnest and sweet nature which I found heart warming. I could go on but that would be missing the point a little bit. Sure the film is doesn't meet the typical standards of a good movie but for what it's worth there is a craft for creating something so different, extreme and polarizing especially when you compare it to other comedies that were coming out around this time.Somehow understood and misunderstood 'Freddy Got Fingered' is a film that I will continue to unlock it's secrets as the years go by.
jewittdirk I am not going to waste your time trying to convince you that this movie is actually good. I know that nothing I say could change your mind. This movie divides everyone. I laughed so hard watching this. Maybe you need to remember that this movie is intentional. Or don't and miss out. I don't care. I liked it
morbidmercenary Tom Green's Masterpiece i saw him live @ The Carolinas on Broadway because of this treasure.... A comic genesis
Christopher Brian Tegner A lot of critics and viewers can't get past the hand full of scenes that involve shock for the pure sense of shock. When you take away what amounts to a few minutes of pointless bad taste, Freddy Got Fingered is a remarkably funny film. The films finer moments far outweigh the scenes that people most often (mistakenly) judge it by. The interactions between Tom Green and his father (Rip Torn) are what make this film a comedic masterpiece. The scenes between father and son are so great that they make up for the films flimsier moments ten times over. I was never a big fan of Tom Green - I don't dislike him or his past works, but this film would not work without Tom Green. Again, what makes this film a cult classic is the interaction between Tom Green and Rip Torn (I can't say that enough). Freddy Got Fingered has mores genuine gut busting laugh content than a vast majority of comedies that have been released since. To enjoy FGF you really have to define what you want out of a comedy - if it is to laugh and be truly entertained for 90 minutes, give FGF a shot. Think of the movie as a collection of short scenes and discount the overall narrative because it is not about the story. How many times has someone played a funny clip on YouTube while you're hanging out wasting time? - A clip that is short and just flat out hilarious - Freddy Got Fingered is at least 50-60 minutes of pure enjoyment especially when played out of the context of the movie as a whole. Throw in the production value and you have something you probably will not see released by a major studio ever again. I am extremely selective in what I view and would rather watch Goodfellas for the 100th time than waste an hour and a half viewing Wild Hogs for the first time. While I am usually spot on in assessing a film's critical reception, the consensus that Freddy Got Fingered has garnered is truly without warrant. Freddy Got Fingered is an outlier that deserves a second look. It's not just good - it's an absolutely exceptional collection of enjoyable moments that has been overshadowed by the few that have caused audiences to prejudge a comedic masterpiece.