Free China: The Courage to Believe

6.8| 0h53m| en

The fates of a woman living in Beijing and a man living in New York become inextricably linked because of a common conviction.



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GamerTab That was an excellent one.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Stefan Byfield A brave doc made for a rose tinted world indifferent to the Human Rights crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Crimes starkly portrayed in this heart-rending film about two people, Jennifer Zeng and Charles Lee, with the courage to believe in their persecuted faith. Award winning director Michael Perlman draws on these first hand experiences and with expert analysis paints a nation on the brink of social Armageddon. CCP mouthpiece, Chinese Central Television (CCTV), broadcasts how "Ideological Re-education" will "transform" those who support, follow or promote Falun Gong and its tenets of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Anyone exposing atrocities used to accelerate this transformation are branded "Enemy of the State" and charged with "divulging State secrets". Incarcerated and tortured, Jennifer Zeng is now "Enemy of the State". However, American citizen Charles Lee has a daring plan - to return to China, hack into CCTV's network and broadcast these crimes to the people… Brave indeed!
Julia Bumblebee I've heard of things happening in China from the news, from friends telling me and friends of friends who have experienced these... but this documentary made the one child policy, the torture going on in prisons, and how people still try to make a difference and stand up against the unfair system - reality for me. I found it difficult to watch the part where the man came back to China to try to get the message of the situation out to the population, risking his safety (and life, to be fair). It's sad that people have to resort to such means, since there's no way to appeal through the system, to make your opinion heard if it doesn't correlate to guidelines, and to raise any issues that the system doesn't want to know about.It's very different to how we know life in the west. So would recommend this docu to anyone who is interested in the current China to watch it and be informed and make their own opinion of the situation. Because not everything we hear through mainstream about China are the only thing happening there.
vanessab80-881-798631 Brilliant film sharing the truth. Very moving. Personally I feel everyone should see this film. It tells about a horrific crime where innocent people are been destroyed by one nations government. A practice "Falun Dafa" practiced in over 40 countries where people see benefits that change their lives to a better. Teaching people to be good by following the principals of Truth Compassion and Tolerance. Practiced freely in ever other country, victimised and destroyed in only one "China". How can we Westerners sit back and watch a nation destroy itself, torture innocent people trying to follow their faith. Please share the film with everyone. Let the world know about the evil CCP. You will see in the film where even the party was initially promoting the practice airing its benefits until the number practicing Falun Gong in China outnumbered that of the CCP members. Clearly this shows how the party became scared of the practice and the destroying of such become apparent. Take the time to share the film let people know the truth.
doudouzai11 When i see the title,I thought is a documentary of China.So I just watched with my children.Only a little, I feel very uncomfortable.Because is full of bloody and violence in the lens.I think the film is not good for the development of children,so So, I let the child out of the computer.I finished watching the movie alone.The content of the film and the publicity of the Chinese government is not the same.I don't know who is lying.However, as a Chinese,Someone like that undermines my country i am not very happy.At the same time as a mother,film will cause psychological trauma to the child.China is a recognized ancient civilizations,When I lived in China, people are kind of modesty.The Chinese had no persecution of prisoners in wartime.How can the Chinese government in peacetime to kill your own countrymen?

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