
7.9| 0h21m| en

The friendship of two boys is tested to its limits as they battle for survival during the Kosovo war.


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Kosova Cinematography Center


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Also starring Lum Veseli

Also starring Eshref Durmishi


InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
JacobOB A truly touching tale that really helps one to better understand the privileges many of us have. Freedom from oppression, freedom from hate, and relative acceptance of religion and nationality is something truly to be treasured as "Shok" shows us through it's heart warming and heart breaking tale of friendship. The cinematography was near flawless and every moment of the film was filled with tension. The boys friendship is something that almost all can relate to and their connection in such a bleak world is such a wonderful thing to see. Living in a country in which I can say anything I please short of threatening the safety of the public and go unharmed tends to blind us to the issues that many others suffer through every day due to something that is out of their control. I would highly recommend that everyone of every walk of life watch this transformative film.
film_person007 8.7Rounds up to 8.So simply put this film was close to flawless (except how was the bike just sitting in the middle of the road? they should of put it in a field and had them hiking around to find it just one small thing) however, shouldn't the energy and resources put into film be used to impose justice on the war-crime committed?I'm sure making the film is cathartic but I was left wondering, if this really happened to a friend of mine, I would of spend my entire life trying to find who did that to my friend and get him arrested, tried and convicted for a war-crime. I do really appreciate the talent of the filmmakers, but I'm not sure their efforts in this medium are correct or appropriate given their past circumstances. Again I digress and ask, if they had the means to pull something like this short film off, couldn't they transfuse that same effort and money into imposing justice on the wrongs done in the past which this film depicts?
steviepage A VERY IMPORTANT FILMSHOK is one of the best short films I have ever seen. A story most excellently delivered. Beautifully Directed, shot and acted. A very important film that fulfils the noble task of educating mankind to the plight of the Albanians.I was first exposed to Shok when it was submitted to me as a judge at the 2015 Hollyshorts International Film Festival. Shok won best short film at Hollyshorts and went on to win many other awards. I predicted back in Aug 2015 that Shok would be nominated for an academy award. And I predict now that it will win. I have seen the other 4 nominees and I feel that Shok stands well above the competition. Not only in terms of its flawless delivery but also the importance of a story that the world needs to see and know.sincerelyStephen C Page
MartinHafer Two boys, one Serbian and one Albanian, are friends despite the war and you see about this portion of their lives through a flashback that involves a bicycle. But it's hard to remain friends when the Serbian kid is being pulled one way and the Albanian the other. The climax comes like a brick against your skull and left many in the audience on the verge of tears.I have seen quite a few films about the civil wars that tore Yugoslavia apart. None of them are pleasant and really cannot be. However, this one stands out because the acting by the kids is very nice and the story very well directed and paced. It's hard to pick the best of the five nominees and after a lot of thought, I think this one is best. Will it win the Oscar, I have no idea. As I already mentioned, there are three depressing films (including this one) and they might tend to take votes from each other.I'll be updating this review after the Oscars are announced on February 28th.UPDATE: "Stutterer" took the Oscar for Best Live Action Short.