Friends (With Benefits)

2010 "Most friendships are complicated. Some are more complicated than others."
5.2| 1h34m| en

Meet Chloe and Owen: best buds since their sandbox days. Now, in med school as they attempt to balance the weight of their studies, his job, her band, their parents, their friends (their sanity), they find little time for relationships...but lots of time for the desire. One fateful day, a brave Owen proposes the "perfect" solution: Friends (read: no messy relationship stuff)...with benefits (read: insanely messy sex stuff). "Perfect," that is...if the two hadn't always been secretly in love with one another So what DOES happen when two close friends decide to secretly blur the lines dividing friendship and relationship...and the rest of their tight knit group of friends finds out? The answer: complications arise. A LOT of complications. In fact, to quote their therapist, "It's brought down empires; imagine what it can do to a group of friends".


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Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
hjames-97822 They all showed up and the photography itself is good. After that, they lost me.How many more time will we have to see this same boring scenario of friends hooking up and then getting emotionally wrecked? It's just been done like this too many times.The acting is very wooden in spots. The lighting often looks like film school students were on the crew. I watched this because I am Brendan Bradley fan. But even my main man's good efforts could not save this. (I did appreciate the one of him nude. Check out his performance in "Redwoods.." Outstanding.) This thing is nothing special.
acolumbia I've seen this film at least four times now and even started working with director Gorman Bechard because of it. I've enjoyed it each and every time, each in very different places and frames of mind. I've seen it in a bar, in a theater and in my home. I've seen it at a very high point in life and a very low point in my life. The story, acting and overall frame of mind the film evokes always makes me feel great and walk away impressed. The acting is for the most part excellent, the dialog is organic and flows between the very believable characters. Cinematography is quite lush and well though out, the colors and lighting always seem to pop and even in the much more difficult outdoor shots, it just works. The sound is totally solid throughout, always a killer on indie features. Everything is completely crisp and makes the piece work as a whole.
Ivana Durbic While the whole idea of friends with benefits may seem like a cliché Mr. Bechard's take on it in this movie is anything but that! It will open your eyes to a broader view on "unconventional sex". Never before has the concept of friends with benefits been so beautifully aestheticized. While the beginning may seem a little "slow" trust me the plot kicks into high gear and you will soon find yourself completely immersed into the film. The cinematography itself was amazing, the bathing shot was probably the most effortlessly erotic thing i have seen in cinema in a while. The film was shot beautifully with an amazing soundtrack. I could definitely feel the strong connection between Chloe and Owen as well as the bond the other characters shared. This film will definitely make you re-examine the role sex plays in your relationships and possibly even give you some ideas ;)With the quirky unexpected plot twists i.e. the blond all American boy getting off with the help of a dog! I would highly recommend this movie, i thoroughly enjoyed it from the beginning to the denouement.
thinmanmusic So we settle in for a romantic/comic/sex farce kinda film and going in I'm in the pocket and the wife is on the fence. But guess what? We laughed, we were touched by the sensitivity between the laughs and in the end-I got laid! It's the perfect date movie. The photography is surprisingly lush for an indie film. The use of split screens never gets confusing or trite. The dialog is fast paced but just fast enough- funny jokes within jokes-let's just say I'm enthused.I want to quit my job to follow that rock band on tour- but maybe bring them a couple of songs.Or maybe it's just that I want to follow Chloe wherever she goes. Bechard has hit his artistic stride with this film.I'm hoping his treatment of "2nd Greatest Story" will be up to these standards- he's set his bar very high.

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