Truly Dreadful Film
A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Osmosis Iron
Really great film that starts as a road movie about two criminals on the run, and evolves into something much more than that! Packed with memorable moments and lines. George Clooney is in top form and Quentin Tarantino turns in one of his most memorable(and menacing) roles. In many ways this movie defines "cool".. and YOU be cool!
A movie which proves that having an all-star cast and crew does not a great movie make. Written by Quentin Tarantino, directed by Robert Rodriguez, starring George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Quentin Tarantino, Salma Hayek, Juliette Lewis and Cheech Marin.Was pretty good to start off, a good gangster movie. Once it became a monster-horror it quickly got pretty predictable and mundane.
Helen Ve
So I thought "Hey, Clooney and Tarantino, how bad can it be?" It was the worst movie ever! Full of clichés, stereotypes, plot holes and even stripper-vampires!Until 50:00, it was a relatively good movie,with villains, psycho - sex offender brother, kidnappings, of course there were many unanswered questions, but it was fairly entertaining. All if a sudden, the dancers in the strip club turned into vampires and started attacking everyone. The ways you could kill them were the classic stabbing in the heart, crosses, sunlight etc. Not only was it cliché, but the characters reactions and behavior towards each other were everything else but normal. This whole family must have had Stockholm Syndrome. Nothing else can explain why they didn't kill their kidnappers, but instead helped them. They even sacrificed themselves! In the end, Seth and Kate defeat the evil beasts/strippers/vampires, Kate's family is dead but she doesn't even blink, also Tarantino(G.Clooneys brother) is dead, but he, the vengeful criminal, just lets it go by demanding a bigger percentage of the earnings from the bad guys. And here I sit, wondering:HOW THE F**K DOES IT HAVE A SCORE OF 7.3/10?
This is one of the scariest movie it come out before 1999. It has a great story line. It has great acting. From dusk till dawn 2 Texas blood money is scarier. Still this a very good movie. It has really good special effects. 7.3 is underrating it. I give it 9 out of 10. This is one the scariest vampire stories from 1996. See all From still dawn movies. They are great films. This is an awesome movie. I am running out thing to say. And I need more lines. I like vampires. Think vampires are so cool. This movie is awesome. Great movie great movie great movie great movie. No 7.3 mush better. So cool. You must see this movie is awesome. If this movie does not scary you no movie will. It so cool.