G.I. Joe: The Movie

1987 "The venom of Cobra! The vengeance of Joe!"
7| 1h33m| PG| en

G.I. Joe faces a new enemy as an ancient society of snake people known as Cobra-La try to forcefully take back the earth from those who drove them underground eons ago.


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Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
therbert-5 "*Hollywood now proposes that in a new live-action movie based on the G.I. Joe toy line, Joe's -- well, "G.I." -- identity needs to be replaced by membership in an "international force based in Brussels." The IGN Entertainment news site reports Paramount is considering replacing our "real American hero" with "Action Man," member of an "international operations team." Paramount will simply turn Joe's name into an acronym.The show biz newspaper Variety reports: "G.I. Joe is now a Brussels-based outfit that stands for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, an international co-ed force of operatives who use hi-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil organization headed by a double-crossing Scottish arms dealer." Well, thank goodness the villain -- no need to offend anyone by making our villains Arabs, Muslims, or foreign dictators of any stripe these days, though apparently Presbyterians who talk like Scottie on "Star Trek" are still OK -- is a double-crossing arms dealer. Otherwise one might be tempted to conclude the geniuses at Paramount believe arms dealing itself is evil.(Just for the record, what did the quintessential American hero, Humphrey Bogart's Rick Blaine in "Casablanca," do before he opened his eponymous cafe? Yep: gun-runner.) According to reports in Variety and the aforementioned IGN, the producers explain international marketing would simply prove too difficult for a summer, 2009 film about a heroic U.S. soldier. Thus the need to "eliminate Joe's connection to the U.S. military." Well, who cares. G.I. Joe is just a toy, right? He was never real. Right?*" **** Read the rest of this article and then decide how you should honor the face of the man associated with G.I. Joe http://www.lvrj.com/opinion/10849526.html
Cobra Commander I am a major fan of all parts of GI JOE from the 80's. The characters were all enjoyable. The villains were superb. The team I led to battle couldn't have been a more watchable mix. With weaknesses to both Joe's and Cobra's it was all about the teamwork to overcome the other side. While some people say this show was nothing more than propaganda to rid the world of "evil" powers.. I think the show somewhat brought a pride to the American Army and gave kids like me something to satisfy the urge to have guns, tanks, explosions, animal sidekicks, crazy super weapons, ridiculous vehicles with way to many missiles and lasers.. Yes this show, the figures, the movie.. everything about it rocked.. How many times did you and your friends pool all your Joe's and vehicles together for a major super war.. The only thing is..Just once they should make Cobra win one time in something!! I have feelings too. PS Serpentor is a Loser! Yeah!
shpoodog I grew up with the GI Joe cartoons and Toys as well as the Transformers, Star Wars, Kung Fu movies, The A-Team, and everything you'd expect a kid to watch in the 80's. I remember seeing this on TV in the early 90's, and I liked it then.I picked up the DVD last year (it's worth it for the "knowing is half the battle" PSA's), and I can say that I enjoyed it more on some levels, and less on others.For the good, it had Don Johnson and I knew who he would give his voice to before he spoke. I kind of got a kick out o that. There was also the typical GI Joe/A-Team fire fights, where shots were fired and stuff blows up everywhere, but nobody is hurt. Is it in any sense realistic? No. Is it fun to watch? Actually, yes.They also kept much of the score from the cartoon intact, which preserved some of the feel.None of the new characters really grated me, but I felt like they drowned out the old familiar ones. I've never been a huge Serpentor fan, so I would have liked more Destro and Cobra Commander action. The new Cobra history was iffy, but it doesn't really take away from the movie.Now what the movie is really missing is ninja action. Sure, we have Jinx, but she is nothing compared to Snake-Eyes and Stormshadow. We do get to see Snake-Eyes looking hard core in the background here and there, but that's it and Stormshadow is only in one scene at the beginning. Come on! It's GI Joe: The Movie (even if it never hit the big screen). Don't hold back. Give us an epic Stormshadow vs. Snake-Eyes fight.All in all, it felt like a longer episode of GI Joe, but not like an all out movie. It's still enjoyable, but could have been more.
Heather ***Spoilers*** I was scrolling down the user comments and saw heading like "Great", "Awesome", etc. I think maybe some are watching this with rose tinted eyeballs.Besides the rampant ethnic stereotyping and offensive accents (like the Mexican guy who may as well just say "Yo Quiero Taco Bell" and be done with it, the Black guy who, I kid you not, raps every time he talks, and the Russian woman who sounds like the Count from Sesame Street, "One, two, three, three terrible voice actors! Mwahaha"), there were a whole bunch of plot, animation, and acting problems to deal with.The movie contained so many inconsistencies that it made me wonder if perhaps the animators were not reading the script. The scene with the explosives in the enemy base alone was enough to convince me that these guys had no idea what they were doing. Look closely at the timer on the bomb. When it reaches 0 the joes are INSIDE the base. Then it starts to go off in an impressive display of jerky animation and suddenly the Joes are OUTSIDE the base with out having to take the few minutes to actually run there. Oh, sorry...I forgot about off screen teleportation...The second major problem I had was the "touching" scene where Duke is stabbed. Watch closely. The wound is on the left. They pan away, the pan back, still on the left. They pan away again, pan back and oops. Now its on the right. Was anyone else reminded of Igor from "Young Frankenstein"? I would also like to point out that this entire scene is negated by the fact that Duke is NOT dead (as was implied by his DYING in that scene). "It's OK everyone. Duke is gonna be OK!" *General revelry*...This scene is also full of poor dialouge. And what's the deal with all the "yo Joe!"'s? I love it when the General turns away from Duke's supposed dead body and says, with a single tear running down his cheek, "yo, joe." Touching. Oh I was crying...I was laughing so hard my eyes were streaming.While watching this movie I honestly had to wonder who was writing this garbage. " GOLOBULOUS:'Kill him.' SERPENTOR:'No put him in with the others as an example of what will happen if they disobey us.' PYTHONA: 'I like that idea. It's poetic in it's simplicity' " WHAT?!? What does she even mean?!? How is it poetic? How is it anything other than a tired routine? Arrggg. And I would again like to bring up YO JOE! The writers tend to chuck that gem in whenever they can think of nothing else. In the most inappropriate times (like when it makes no sense) a random Joe will just yell YO JOE! This is generally not a good tactic when one is attempting to sneak up on the enemy.My final complaint is the animation. Mostly the animation of the bad guys. Besides everything in Cobrala looking increadibly phallic, it also looks like the Joes are being attacked by a herd of those things you put on the table at Thanksgiving. Ahhhh look out Sarge! The cornucopia's are attacking!!! Also Nemisis (I think that's his name). You'll know him when you see hime. Hes the one who looks like a cross between Arch Angel and Magneto (although wearing an interesting red holdall over his purple body/body armor). Since Marvel made this movie I find this all rather suspicious...Basically this movie was like watching a feature length episode of the Super Friends, but without the goofy charm and rampant alliteration. I probably enjoyed it when I was a kid, but then I also enjoyed eating bugs...PS Theres a Joe named SnowJob. Um anyone else find that...interesting PPS I din't even get into the song...and I'm not gonna