Better Late Then Never
Ariella Broughton
It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Asad Almond
A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
I actually thought this movie wasn't too bad. It is obviously made to a very small budget and the cinematography, lighting etc is poor BUT I found something about it engaging. The premise is that two thieves break into a house and find a man gagged and tied up to a bed and there's another man hiding who confronts them.There are quite a few twists and turns in the movie which were good, the main characters were likeable and dialogue was okay. There's not really any story development but I was rooting for one of the chaps and wanted to see what unfolded.
Claudio Carvalho
The burglars Tony (Vince Marinelli) and Detroit (Scott W. Mckinlay) break in a house to heist the content of a safe. They find a man, Brian (Brian Kolodziej), tied to a mattress with a gag near the safe and they believe he is participating of a kinky sexual game. When they are attacked by a stranger, Wade (Gerald Emerick), Detroit is tied to a chair and Tony is cuffed. However, Tony escapes and releases Detroit and Brian, who claims that Wade has captured his sister Stacy (Amy Wehrell). Tony dominates Wade and when he finds Stacy, he discovers the truth about her brother and the sadistic torturer."Gag" is another cheap rip-off of the franchise "Saw" actually another sick and implausible festival of tortures
and nothing else. The plot and the characters are poorly developed, the situations and reactions of the characters are implausible and the main preoccupation of the director Scott W. Mckinlay and writer Kirk Sever is to show the most twisted tortures of the sadistic and deranged killer in the most graphic way. I confess that I am tired of this genre, repeated again and again in "Saw", "Captivity", "The Cellar Door", "Broken", "Sporkill" and other movies like "Gag". I suggest the writers that gave ten, nine, eight and seven respectively to this flick in their comments in IMDb to stop writing fake reviews or seek psychological help because something is seriously wrong with their evaluation of a good movie. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "Torturados" ("Tortured")
It's rare that a film can offend you morally by sheer ineptitude alone. A movie wherein the act of watching somehow assumes an aura of ethical lapse is a rare and regrettable event. Spending two hours of your time watching "Gag" is an offense against nature. Time is far too valuable a commodity to spend any of it watching this sadistic, amateur, exploitative, unoriginal, clueless, poorly acted, ugly, cheap, offensive, nonsensical, and altogether boring film. And I like horror movies! Made without a modicum of either technical proficiency nor thematic clarity, Gag simply exists as a series of poorly executed, prurient torture scenarios loosely strung together by a ludicrous plot that steadfastly refuses to make sense. Almost atavistic in it's terribleness, Gag is impressively without one iota of taste or style...the total lapse of judgment by the filmmakers is a sort of negative genius. Saddest of all is that this terrible, disgusting story with it's crude and vile images is what these filmmakers thought would make an artistic statement. This is what they have to offer the world. Mean, ugly, and without redemption, Gag lacks any of the charming camp value that usually accompanies the worst of films. Marrying an utter lack of joy with the basest of imaginations and utter dearth of narrative understating, Gag's only redeeming feature is its title: it's utterly apropos.
I pretty much watch all horror movies voraciously, and I LIKE my torture porn - right along with my psychological thrillers and good, old-fashioned slasher/monster flicks. With the recent lines of Saw and Hostel setting the bar for outrageous gore effects fairly high, I'm not surprised to see the lower budget movies struggling to keep up with the trend. Gag does use what budget it has effectively enough in its gore shots. They didn't skimp on the blood, and while some of the stunts were ridiculous, I'm not entirely sure they weren't intended to be.It's a watchable film, but it drags. The writing and delivery of lines were often amateurish, which made the dialogue difficult to sit through at times. Had the death and torture sequences been more outrageous, it could have been truly shocking. Had they been a little more ridiculous, it could have been horrifyingly funny. Had they hired a different script writer, it might even have been clever. The end result is a sloppy movie that lacks commitment to be anything other than another low-budget fright flick with lofty ambitions and no follow-through. Worth a rental for genre fans, certainly, but not really worth a movie theater ticket - even at the matinée price. I'm not surprised it didn't get a general release.