
1980 "She's too good to be true...and too real to be otherwise."
3.7| 1h35m| R| en

Galaxina is a lifelike, voluptuous android who is assigned to oversee the operations of an intergalactic Space Police cruiser captained by incompetent Cornelius Butt. When a mission requires the ship's crew to be placed in suspended animation for decades, Galaxina finds herself alone for many years, developing emotions and falling in love with the ship's pilot, Thor.


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Konterr Brilliant and touching
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Rainey Dawn Nothing funny here to me and I liked Spaceballs! It took them dang near 10 minutes before anything was really said - it mainly showed the outside of a ship circling an asteroid, a chick in a blonde wig in a chair and two dumb "space police" dudes, one in a cowboy hat the other on a rowing machine, oh and something about a Captain Butt, golly gee that's funny - NOT! What is suppose to be funny about this film? I acquired this monstrosity in the Sci-Fi Invasion 50-film pack. I consider this nothing more than a filler film - just something to throw into the pack to make sure there are 50 movies as promised. It's one of the worst films in the pack and NOT a so bad it's good film either... just a lame stupid unfunny film.1/10
brando647 I've seen GALAXINA referred to as a "cult favorite" to which my response is, "For whom?" There are endless better descriptions of this sci-fi/"comedy" from writer/director William Sachs. Here is a short selection from which to choose: crap, rubbish, garbage, the cinematic equivalent to that murky water that pools under dumpsters, and an excruciating waste of time for all parties involved. I've seen it twice in my life (and likely never again) and I've never been able to stomach it in one sitting. It follows the crew of the space police patrol ship Infinity in the year 3008. The crew consists of Captain Cornelius Butt (Avery Schreiber), his second in command Sergeant Thor (Stephen Macht), the ship's pilot Buzz (J.D. Hinton), the engineers Maurice (Lionel Mark Smith) and Sam Wo (Tad Horino), and the ship's service droid Galaxina (Dorothy Stratten). I guess the movie is about the love developing between the lecherous Thor and poor Galaxina but we're also forced to suffer through an inane B-plot where the crew is sent twenty-seven years into deep space to the former penal colony on Altar 1 to recover something called the "blue star" which gives its user the power to conquer the universe. An alien named Ordic (Ronald Knight) also has sights on the blue star and so the race is on to see who can find it first. There's a good chance none of this matters though because the movie is so mercilessly not funny that you'll be struggling to care."You know, kid, you got a bad habit. You breathe." – Captain ButtIf the fact that the captain is named Butt (and you're meant to laugh at it) wasn't enough of a warning, the sense of dread should wash over you around the time Butt starts dropping such golden lines as the one above. But to even get to the point where you're forced to suffer through the dialogue, you have to sit through almost ten minutes of shots of the Infinity traveling through space, an opening text scrawl, and the opening credits. Once we finally get to the characters, you're immediately hit with guffaw-worthy gags like the alien opera on TV broadcasting "live from Uranus" and Butt hitting his crew with zingers like, "If a jack*** had both your brains, he'd be a dumb jack***." Classic. There's also a rock-eating alien in the ship's brig for Butt to torment that's supposed to be funny because it uses foul language and eats rocks. This rock-eater (and that's as close as we get to a name for it) looks like a costume you'd see in the background of the Mos Eisely scene in STAR WARS, except STAR WARS would've been smart enough not to give the character any lines because then it just looks stupid with it's flapping puppet mouth. Speaking of STAR WARS, you'll see it's influence all over this fecal pile; same with STAR TREK and ALIEN. It's just a constant reminder that you could be watching better movies.Let's ignore the fact that 100% of the film's jokes fall flat and that nothing of importance happens until somewhere around the movie's halfway point (or arguably ever). What about the characters themselves? Anyone relatable or semi-interesting? You can probably already guess the answer to that. I'm pretty sure I can skip Captain Butt here. Thor is our "hero" and the inevitable love interest for Galaxina. Our first glimpse into their budding love is when he attempts to grope under her skirt at dinner and gets an electric shock for his effort. He later tries to force himself on her in private (and gets electrocuted again) before getting his rocks off (you'll hear the pun a lot thanks to the rock eater) at an intergalactic brothel. Oh, and it's while spying on Thor in the brothel that Galaxina first shows signs of affection for him. So, analyze that. So Thor's a horrible human being. How do the rest fare? One-dimensionally. No one else gets more than a character trait or two to define them. Buzz is a good ol' boy. Maurice is some sort of man-bat with pointed ears and tiny useless wings on his shoulders, and Sam is a wizened old Asian man who's constantly stoned and speaks in fortune cookies. Then there's the fact that the movie sees women as nothing more than sex objects while the only two non-white characters are treated like lesser crewman (Maurice and Sam are the only characters absent from the dinner scene).GALAXINA earns minor points for surprisingly effective production design and cinematography. The miniatures used in the space sequences are believable for a few minutes before they just aren't. This movie looks a lot better than it has any right to but it's not enough to save it. There's nothing more painful to watch than comedy that utterly fails to be funny, and GALAXINA reminds me a lot of another garbage sci- fi/"comedy" from the '80s: MORONS FROM OUTER SPACE. I despised that movie too. GALAXINA might be a different type of bad from MORONS FROM OUTER SPACE, but it's definitely as bad.
Vincent Le Quang I think due to the non-professional look of the movie, the whole time, I was convinced this was a student film, so thought it was great!Yes, it really bad on the surface, but it has its charm. As a student film maker, you might enjoy these kinds of bad movie, because you feel like you could one day produce something close to that piece of crap!I also liked the main actress in there, so I was sad to read about her after I finished watching the movie.So to summarize the value of this movie, the acting is not great, the low budget special effects, decors and costumes can be reproduced with items picked up at your local goodwill store (at least there's no fake looking CGI), the plot is something you really wouldn't care about... In short, it's really the perfect movie for film students to watch.
BA_Harrison Poor old Dorothy Stratten: not only was her life tragically cut short when her homicidal husband took it upon himself to unload a shotgun into her face, but of the few titles on her filmography, crappy comedy/sci-fi Galaxina will forever be the one she will be best remembered for.In this excruciatingly bad pulp sci-fi spoof, inspired by the likes of Star Wars and Star Trek, Stratten plays Galaxina, a robot aboard police space cruiser Infinity who falls in love with Sgt. Thor (Stephen Macht), a member of the crew. Writer/director William Sachs has the potential for a really interesting movie, but is more intent on delivering puerile gags and trashy action than exploring the complexities of his central human/machine relationship.In addition to the embarrassingly bad comedy (some gags repeated ad nauseum), the pacing of the film is absolutely dreadful, the acting is lousy and the special effects are terrible, with naff spaceship designs and thoroughly unconvincing rubber alien creatures. Thankfully, Stratten's hotness helps to ease the pain somewhat, the gorgeous Penthouse Playmate looking absolutely stunning in her tight outfits, but not even her magnificent form can prevent this from being a disastrous dud.