A concerned and desperate parent, filled with anxiety and worry, is frantically searching for their beloved child who mysteriously disappeared one ordinary day while attending school. Consumed by relentless determination, they make a daring decision to break into the school premises under the veil of night, hoping to unravel the truth behind their child's sudden disappearance. However, as they stealthily navigate through the eerie corridors and dimly lit classrooms, an unsettling realization dawns upon them-the familiar surroundings have undergone a nightmarish transformation. The once inanimate and friendly mascots that adorned the school have come alive with a sinister motive, harboring a thirst for violence and bloodshed. The parent discovers, with a chilling mix of terror and disbelief, that their quest for their missing child has now transformed into a battle for survival against these malevolent mascots, who are determined to keep their dark secret hidden at all costs.